What Are The Stereotypes Of Teenagers

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ts. Adolescents have been known to “have dirty hands”. Many believe that adolescents live for trouble. Anything that occurs, is typically blamed on teens or children of this generation. Some of these issues includes: drug use, school attendance, teens addiction to technology, dressing inappropriately, and being told the lack of understanding. They may be true teens in 2016, but nothing changed but time. Many people believe that teens are “couch potatoes”. All teens aren’t particularly lazy, everybody has their own way of maneuvering what has to be done. For teens much is expected, but how can we function properly and do the right things if all stereotypes for teens are from dogmatic adults or previous descendants. As a teen, from my experiences, …show more content…

According to juvenile court, statistics discovered and recorded by the National Center for Juvenile Justice, 54% of truancy cases between the years of 1990-1999 were males. Yet, surprisingly, females were 46%. Today, due to the consistent stereotype of children acting as “hoodlums” hasn’t changed too much, 7.5 million are also dealing with truancy. Which shows nothing really changed about the behavior in teens. As a current adolescent of today's society, these stereotypes that we’re being labeled as are unneccessary and irrelvant, even though it may be the truth, it had and can lead to long-term negative effects. I honestly believe that it’d be easier to take the time to know and understand teens and your children day by day individually would be a better option. These opinionated statements hurt the mindset of children all around the world. Not all teens are the same, so the question is...Aren’t we all different in some way? Today, many things have changed to make a difference. The changes include education, reception, population and government. Change is always occurring, there’s nothing that we can do to stop it. Best thing to do do is accept it. Eventually these stereotypes will change just as time does. Teens are growing progressively and becoming more active in today's society. Elderly should have more faith and support in us adolescents, it’ll make a difference in the long

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