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Influences of children outcome on parenting styles
Parenting style and Adolescents
The role of parents in adolescent development
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Parenting Style and Adolescent Outcome Levine states “a child cannot possibly develop resilience when his parents are constantly at his side, interfering with the development of autonomy, self-management and coping skills” (Levine, 2008 p.77). She says, affluent children don’t have the practical tools needed to survive on their own, they haven’t learned how to deal with problems, and they value others opinions over their own (Levine, 2008 p5). When parents feel like they have to step in to protect the health and welfare of their adolescent child they leave the child feeling disrespected or untrustworthy by their protective parents. (Levine, 2008 P223). Chapter 8 of our textbook Parent-Child Relations: An Introduction to Parenting, (2014) focuses …show more content…
Parents must discover ways to help teens learn to make decisions that minimize the potential harm to themselves and others, and parents must also gradually relinquish control and place increasing amounts of personal responsibility onto teens so that they become self-regulating. Module 2.3 Richard Heffner tries to put a sarcastic spin on this issue when he asks what difference does it make then, in terms of our sense of our own identity if we move into a world for which we’ve been prepared to avoid the struggle not to have to deal with struggle, and then we move into a new world which is different from what you knew, why wouldn’t that create a disharmony psychologically speaking? I believe this to be his way of saying that affluent teens will have to learn to adapt to life changes in order to become proactive adults. Families and …show more content…
Problems need to be addressed with thought, insight, and empathy, not shoes and purses. When we throw materialistic goods at problems you are teaching them to depend on external “stuff” to help ease the emotional distress, but instead we should be teaching our kids how to deal with problems internally, because when we do this, we give them a lifelong gift rather than a seasonal gift like a pair of jeans” (Levine, 2008 p51). Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-ecological Theory Bronfenbrenner’s theory explains five distinct but related environmental settings in a child’s life that could be influential in promoting the best outcomes and he explains how individual and their family systems are influenced in their development, how relationships function, and how interactions take place. Bronfenbrenner’s five systems: ”(Bigner & Gerhardt, 2008). • Microsystem the first system in which the teen interacts is that which comprises the environment provided by the family, peers, a school, or a neighborhood. ”(Bigner & Gerhardt, 2008). • Mesosystem, which includes the microsystem and all the other systems that affect the teens. ”(Bigner & Gerhardt,
The emotional support children receive from their parents in the early years of their lives can make an everlasting impact in how their fears develop and persist over the course of their lives. Take, for instance, a considerably difficult a child who received a nurturing amount of support from his parents in contrast with another little boy who was physically reprimanded for his antsy behavior. The first boy’s parent’s found tactful ways to allow their child to better handle his fears, consequently allowing him to forge a more functional life in the future. In opposition, the other child’s father, who hit him in efforts to stop his anxiety, ironically contributed to the child’s unwanted behavior, causing him to become more disruptive and disturbed in the
Price-Mitchell, Marilyn. “The Moment of Youth.” Psychology Today. Psychology Today, 15 July 2013. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.
The mesosystem levels are the interrelationships that find themselves among the child’s microsystem. The stronger the relationships are between the systems, then the more powerful the influence will be on the child’s development. After arriving to England, Fuchel’s foster parents...
(Hyson, 2008) In her book, she stated that once the child was born, they are already connected with the world. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner, he emphasized that children are not only being affected but also they are affecting those that surrounds them. The members of those settings are also connected and influenced one another, he called this theory as ecological system theory. The ecological system theory was used by Marilou Hyson as a framework on the factors that influences the children’s approaches to learning and she named it as “Circle of Influence on Children’s Approaches to Learning”. The “Circle of Influence on Children’s Approaches to Learning” includes the family, school, culture, politics and policies. She believed that the family
The mesosystem comprises the interrelations among the major settings containing the learner at a particular point in their life.
In the ecological systems theory, Brofenbrenner postulated that in order to completely understand development, the entire ecological system must be taken into account. Each level of the system offers a diverse range of options and sources for growth. The microsystem level - which is what we will be focusing on – contains structures with which the child has direct contact. It embodies the relationships and interactions the child has with their immediate surrounding such as family, school, neighbors, and childcare environments. Relationships that are bi-directional tend to have the strongest influence, meaning the interactions have impact in two directions, both toward the individual and away. The microsystem provides the initial set of interrelations a child has and provides the basis for developing trust with their significant people. For this reason, adopting at the earliest age po...
Parenting styles are as diverse as parents themselves. Parenting is one of the most challenging and difficult responsibilities a person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non-verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent-child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiences. Parenting techniques can vary greatly from household to household, however, experts believe that parenting styles can be broken down into four main categories which include permissive,authoritarian,authoritative,and neglectful.
In depth analysis has revealed the structure of people and who they grow up to be. Whether the parenting style is prosperous or poor, it has significant impacts on how one sees the world, how one sees themself and has influence on one's levels of achievement throughout a lifetime. Until the child can recognize their own ability and goals, parenting style is the largest determining factor in the child's success in social and academic circumstances. Children are the final product, or a reflection of culture and a family's values. No matter what events or people cause turmoil in a child's life, the true impact of the negative outside forces lays in the parents hands. If the child is raised correctly, negativity will not take a toll on them as opposed to a child raised in a 'broken home.'
Has there been a time when you suddenly found yourself watching a group of teens communicate and they all seemed to be doing something different from what you can see? How did this make you feel? Did you feel like you had to conform to their way of communicating to each other? If so you just failed victim to your desire to conform. Adolescence, go through different stages of development, these stages are meant to move adolescence between their childhood and their adulthood. These stages are the experiences a teen go through that brings about a variety of changes and emotional issues. Varies cultures play a part in the adolescence development, ranging from their preteens through 19 years of age. “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adolescence covers the period of life between 10 and 20 years of age. Adolescence is often divided by psychologists into three distinct phases: early, mid, and late adolescence” (World Health Organization).
The ecological model is a model that surrounds the child. The microsystem is the child themselves, the mesosystem is the system that surrounds the child. Within the mesosystem it includes, family, friends, day-care centres and educators or teachers. Within the ecosystem is the extended family, family friends, neighbours, and community health & welfare services. The last system that surrounds the child is the marcosystem which includes broad ideology, laws & customs of one’s culture, subculture or social class.
Parenting at any age is difficult, but being a parent as a teen is even more challenging. In 2013 just over 273,000 babies were born to teens between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Due to the numerous amount of pregnancies this has affected teen parents’ education. In addition, the babies born to these teen parents have suffered the most, such as not having the proper care needed and are more likely to develop inferior parenting traits.Teens who get pregnant are not just hurting themselves, but also the baby by giving them the chance to die earlier in life due to the lack of prenatal care, the chances of their children being teen parents themselves and by the baby having many complications such as lung disease and underdeveloped lungs.
Parents and their parenting style play an important role in the development of their child. In fact, many child experts suggest that parenting style can affect a child’s social, cognitive, and psychological development which influence not just their childhood years, but it will also extend throughout their adult life. This is because a child’s development takes place through a number of stimuli, interaction, and exchanges that surround him or her. And since parents are generally a fixed presence in a child’s life, they will likely have a significant part on the child’s positive or negative development (Gur 25).
Resilience is vital for children to effectively manage internal and external challenges. This ability to recover from adversity is chiefly promoted through the three domains of: external provisions, relational ability (e.g. secure attachment), and internal endurance or stability. Consequently, a child who has not formed secure relationships, and is ill-equipped to manage overwhelming feelings ensuing from adverse situations, may suffer impaired development of resilient and empathetic behaviours: “Students are more likely to experience wellbeing when they have social and emotional skills” (Barry & Clarke, n.d). Current research presents findings of healthy mental and emotional wellbeing being directly correlated to a child’s awareness of moral
In America, the society runs on what teenagers want. From Nicki Minaj to the junior section at Sears, most of what the people see, hear, or touch is aimed at the teenagers. Being an adolescent is probably the most exciting and most popular time period in a person’s life. The teens seem to have it all, but what about the parents who raise them? The parents of the teenagers never get any credit during this time period, although they have every right to. Parents and teenagers should strive for a strong, lasting relationship for these years, though most times there isn’t one. The relationship between teenagers and parents is the most vital bond in the family because this relationship should and will prepare them for the next step in life.
The Development of an adolescent is most significantly affected by the way how parents nurture and shape them. According to Morin (2016), a parent’s discipline approach, has a huge impact on the type of relationship they have with their children and how they will react on different situations. The various methods of disciplinary actions can even influence a child’s mood and temperament into adulthood.