Stereotypes and Stereotyping of Teenagers

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Stereotyping of Teenagers

One might think we live in an age where discriminations have been

cut to a bare minimum, as far as addressing them goes. Gender

discrimination, racism, and discrimination towards the disabled and less

fortunate have been acknowledged, dealt with, and handled. Our children

are taught to take care of the elderly, help the poor, and to stare at

people with disabilities. The mentally handicapped, homeless people, and

foreign men and women are given jobs. Yes, one might definitely think we

live in a time where peaceful equality is at its best. Then why can't I; a

normal, average intelligence, respectful teenage girl, be accepted? One

would think that if we can accept the poor, disabled, foreign, and

homeless people regardless of race, religion, or gender; accepting a person

who just chooses to dress and look differently would be easy. As I have

found, such is not the case. Discrimination towards teenagers, especially

the ones who chose to dress differently, is a problem. It is a problem

that goes very often un-addressed.

There are plenty of stereotypes, but I believe the one that is

believed the most is what the stereotypical teenage "freak" is.

Constantly people assume, just by looking at me, a lot of different things.

I was surprised to find the number of people who just figured I was into

drugs. I couldn't believe it. Apparently, because I choose to dress

differently, I must be trashed all the time. However, such is not the

case. Police assume we are trouble makers. I have been stopped countless

times, sworn at, and threatened by arrest, for simply standing on a street

corner or holding a skateboard. Meanwhile, a handful of preppy teens

stand by, doing the same thing, yet not getting a word towards them. We

are assumed to be on drugs and trouble makers, as well as Satanists,

witches, and that we're depressed. I speak from experience. Judging

based merely on an assumption wasn't just back in the days of the Salem

witch hunts.

Not only do people form these opinions, they also act upon them.

Getting a job is horrible. I can be the most respectful, responsible

person in the world, but unfortunately my eyebrow ring is "offensive".

Its pathetic! Businesses will hire Mexicans and Asians who can hardly

speak English, just so they are "politically correct". But apparently I

don't count. I'll be walking behind a girl with a handicap, and a mother

will scold her child for staring, but when I am passed, Mother stares along

with Child. Am I somehow less than human? Do people think I don't notice?

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