What Are The Different Forms Of Communication With Children

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Using different forms of communication
When communicating with children we should not make assumptions that we have been understood, instead we should explain ourselves fully. We should be careful about the words we choose, the language we use and the language that is age and ability appropriate. When communicating with young people as their language develops we can make more assumptions we should still make our language appropriate to the audience but the words we choose will change. Young people find it easier to read body language than children.
You can use different forms of communication to convey your messages to the children and young people. These fall into two categories Verbal communication and non-verbal communication such as body language and gesturing.

Body language is the way we consciously or unconsciously communicate with our bodies …show more content…

Verbal communication, using our voices to communicate can be an effect tool as we can adapt and vary our voice and the vocabulary we use to suit the people we are talking too.

You can also use different modes of communication to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs. You would need to undertake further training in sign language and

Augmentative communication this term refers to the methods used to enhancement or replace speech for those with speech and language impairments.

Stop and think! Take five minutes to think about the augmentative methods of communication. Use the internet to help you.

You might have considered the following:
• Sign language including Makaton
• PECS Picture exchange systems
• Electronic voice box
• Electronic and computer generated speech tools

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