Early Literacy Skills Builder: A Literature Review

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Research and studies that have been conducted for the Early Literacy Skills Builder by the Attainment Company (Browder, Gibbs, Ahlgrim-Delzell, Courtade, & Lee, in press) prove that this literacy program is effective in teaching students with moderate and severe disabilities. The teaching strategies used in this literacy program are based on scientifically based reading research. The purpose of this literature review is to familiarize myself and other educators with the effectiveness of this program.
The Early Literacy Skills Builder is for elementary-aged students with moderate and severe cognitive disabilities who have not acquired print and phonemic awareness. In the Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) all responses have been developed for either verbal responding or nonverbal responding. Nonverbal students may use assistive technology, pointing, or eye gazing to make target responses. Guidelines are offered for promoting active student participation in reading (e.g., saying a repeated story line) and understanding the story. Students who complete the ELSB are ready for instruction in a beginning reading …show more content…

These studies revealed that students with moderate to severe disabilities have the potential to benefit from phonemic awareness and phonics instruction. The ELSB curriculum supports these studies by providing phonemic awareness and phonics instruction. In addition, it provides an option for students who need to use augmentative communication, who do not have phonemic awareness skills and who may need more repetitions to learn. The ELSB can be used either with a small group of students or individually. Additionally, teacher scripts are provided so that teachers know how to word the introduction of each skill and to keep the lesson moving at a quick

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