Unequal opportunity

521 Words2 Pages

It is difficult to apply the concept of equality to things, since the idea of equality is different from individual to individual, but in a way people do have a general idea of what is equal and what is not. This is seen in American society and how its people try to be as just and equal as possible. In America, we have equal opportunity but mostly in theory. Americans have equal opportunity to peruse happiness,life and freedom, but some individuals do have the upper hand when it comes down who gets head. People who have power, be it wealth or social class, have a greater opportunity for success and achieve the American dream. To have a good opportunity people have to have access to power, not only economical but social and knowledge. That's not to say that people from lower social classes can not achieve succeed. There are many individuals who have come from poor immigrant families and have gain a good social standing and wealth through hard work and dedication, but they have to work harder for those opportunities unlike others that inherit their family's class, and wealth. We are ...

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