Jane Eyre Essay

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In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre there are many occasions in which there is motifs about division and bias relations. Money was a major division between people in the Victorian Era. Family made people rise in the standings with others, If your family was rich or well known, then you were going to be well known and well liked. There are many situations in which Jane is thought of as poor and worthless, as well as having no family.

In the beginning of the book we learn that all of Jane’s direct family was dead. Now all she had was an aunt, Mrs, Reed, and an Uncle that we do not know much about. Jane lives with Mrs, Reed and her children. Jane is not well liked by them and constantly seems to be getting into trouble. One time Jane was reading a book and was found by John. John went to punish her, but Jane went to fight back, but John immediately responded, “...mama says; you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to beg…”(11) This shows how the whole Reed family feels about Jane. She is showed off as poor and not able to do or become anything of worth. This may be the most important quotes in the entire book. This sets Jane in her “rightful” place in the family. Jane then feels like she does not belong, and feels this way for most of the book, leading up to an unforeseen twist in character in many different people.

Many people that did not come from rich families lived a life of extreme poverty. They sent kids to work in factories to help pay for things needed to survive, such as food, clothing, and other necessary materials. There were many poor families living in poverty during the Victorian Era: ‘I reflected. Poverty looks grim to grown people; still more so to children: they have not much idea industrious,...

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...ial standing. She wanders back to Thornfield Hall to learn it has been destroyed by a great fire that has injured Mr. Rochester greatly. With nearly everything taken away from him including his sight and a hand, and Jane becoming an heiress, the now have an equal standing. With the end that they are to be married.

Many other motifs of equality can be found in Bronte’s Jane Eyre. I have learned through this book that in the Victorian Era, there was a major line between the rich, and those in poverty. We learn this through just the few quotes that I have written. Jane was once poor, but threw her uncle’s death she became rich. Life once as a beggar, now able to give to those that beg. When Jane was poor, she was treated like dirt, but because she became rich she was treated with more respect. Thusly, there as much segregation in standings, in the book Jane Eyre.

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