Translation: Problems with Non equivalence at Word Level

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In this essay we are going to study the translation equivalents and the gaps raised from the non-equivalence at word level; then we will analyze some useful strategies for the translation process.
What is a word? How the translator deals with this gap? What influences his choices? These are few of the question we will try to explain in this paper. We will pay a particular attention to the cultural differences and the translational gaps raised from it. In my opinion the non-equivalence in translation is due above all by the cultural barriers that influence our lifes.
The work of the translator stars with the reading of the ST: he has to study the lexicon, the grammatical structure, the communicative intention of the writer, and of course the cultural context in which is developed the ST, in order to identify the best translation strategy able to express the original intention.
The translation process may seem easy to them who don't have to deal regularly with it, but after a little exercise anyone could realize the amount of problems rize even just from the translation of a single word. In fact languages are not a list of tags that simply name the categories of the world; each language organizes the world in a different way and the meaning and value of the words varies in relation to their cultural and social system.
The procedure we are going to examine here is the equivalence in translation at word level, or, as we will see, the lack of equivalence. This procedure is possible when the translator in able find a SL textual item replacement in the TL, the closest possible to the original meaning and style. Many people could think that this is an easy task and that many languages can be translated by using this particular method; we will see how complicated it can be.
In her analysis, Mona Baker investigates all text equivalences: apart the object of this paper, she studies the grammatical equivalence, the textual equivalence and the pragmatic equivalence. However this paper will be centered only on the micro level.
Her study starts this analysis by the definition of the word as "the smallest unit which we would expect to possess individual meaning" (Baker, 1992). As Baker herself says this isn't actually true. Linguists have distinguish between the word and the morpheme: the word is the smallest element that can be used by itself, but it can carry more than one elements of meaning.

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