Traditional Chinese Translation Theories
Translation, oral or written, is probably as ancient person spoken or written word. Translation as defined the communication of the meaning of a source language text by the meaning of an equivalent target language text. In addition described the translation as an expression of a sense from one language to another language. However it is a multiple stages creative and process. Translation offers us the experience and attitudes of another culture or from traditional language to modern language. Such as a Traditional Chinese translation. While looking at traditional Chinese translation, social science; cultural and ethical values, that traditional Chinese translation is not necessarily
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Firstly the main purposes of Dao an and Yan Fu theory are: translator is a reader who should know the text and its social and cultural background. The translator should try to understand the original author’s feeling and thinking about life and the idea of the text. Hence the translator should give a complete transcript of the ideas from the original work. That is Yan Fu and Dao an want to say. While the translator is a writer, translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. Dao an is a famous translator in Traditional Chinese Translation work. He has translated the Buddha text, such as 《摩诃波罗若波罗蜜经抄序》。From this text he has summary the Five Form of Loss theory. According to his translated work, found:“to translated Buddha has loss five original “face”” such as “Changing the word order. Sanskrit word order is free with a tendency to SOV. Chinese is SVO”;“ Adding literary embellishment where the original is in plain style. Translation is having to show the original source text style. ”In fact in translating one has to conform to usage as well as to the rules of Chinese grammar. It means the translator should add the flowery language in the book to make it inoffensive to the audience. In other word , the difference between language and cultural, which needs a translator working for communication and ethical value to translated. Translated to Chinese have to be more dressy into language which it has changed the original text style, delete the repeat sentences or dressed up the sentence. Moreover Dao an also expanded upon the difficulty of translation with his theory of the Three
McDougall, Bonnie. "Problems and Possibilities in Translating Contemporary Chinese Literature." The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs (1991): 37-67.
...ues and morals of both religions to demonstrate how Buddhism is a parasite and is out to interfere intentionally with Confucianism, the dynasty, and the society. Not only does Han Yu utilize institutional religion to his advantage, he also applies the idea of religion and state with Buddhism and the Tang Dynasty. He uses this theme in the sense that Buddhism and the dynasty can not go hand in hand, for the religion brings nothing but destruction for the bureaucracy and the emperors. By indicating that the religion lead the emperors astray, Han Yu manipulates the people to presume that Buddhism conveys detrimental values and should be eradicated. Even though Han Yu’s portrayal appears to be accurate, he does not consider any factual evidences and simply takes into account the changes that occurred because of Buddhism as being the cause of the demise.
Confucian scholars and the emperor attacked Buddhism as an outlandish, barbaric belief. “The Memorial of Buddhism” written by Han Yu, a Confucian scholar, opposes Buddhism when the emperor decides to bring “the finger bone of Buddha” into the Chinese palace. He shows the unjust actions of the emperor by referring back to Confucian teachings such as keeping “[ghosts and spirits] at a distance”. The scholar also describes how Buddhism is barbaric because it does not conform to any Chinese laws or Confucian teachings (Doc. 4). As a Confucian scholar, he favored the relationship between “sovereign and subject” and traditional dress. He did not want these Chinese ways destroyed by Buddhist beliefs. Similarly, in document 6, Tang Emperor Wu speaks about the damage Buddhism has done to his people, ways and life. He says the mass conversions to Buddhism has affected his social structure by increasing the number of monks and decreasing the number of farmers. As an emperor of the Tang dynasty, he dis...
Srinivasa Iyengar, you don’t. Iyengar says, “poetry, by nature, is untranslatable. [A] competent translator can, however, play the good broker between the poet and the reader... and give the intimations of the poet’s sovereign utterance.” But even this seems to suggest that at best, the translator is only a middleman, able to convey the subtleties of the poet’s original work, but not without noted differences. Famous poet Bysse Shelley calls translation of poetry “vain”, saying “it were as wise to cast a violet into a crucible that you might discover the formal principal of its color and odor, as seek to transfuse from one language to another the creations of a poet. The plant must spring again from its seed, or it will bear no
Some English words do not have corresponding words in most foreign languages so there are issues with exact translation. It may take more words to present the same message in a different language.
Fortunately, the section "Notes” is a useful tool for understanding the authors' translations, clarifying and legitimizing the translated
Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism have differing perceptions of language and its role in society. The beliefs of philosophers in each of these Chinese philosophical traditions are stated in the Analects in Confucian philosophy, the Tao Te Ching in Daoist philosophy, and the Platform Sutra for Buddhist philosophy. The specific beliefs in regard to language are stated in relation to its role in the overarching principles societal relations.
Lee, Wood-hung & Yomei Shaw. (2006). A Textual Comparison of Japanese and Chinese Editions of Manga: Translation as Cultural Hybridization. IJOCA, vol. 8, no.2, (pp. 34-55).
China is a high context culture. “In high context cultures, information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person (Iowa State University, 2015).” In China they depend more on understanding each other’s meanings rather than having to speak to communicate. “In these cultures, members tend to use a more indirect style of communication (Iowa State University, 2015).” This is probably due to the strong accents that the Chinese have.
The two main sources selected for evaluation, Chinese Perspectives in Rhetoric and Communication by D. Ray Heisey and Red Azalea written by Anchee Min, will be evaluated for their origins, purposes, limitations, and values.
Translation is a linguistic science, but it occurs within a theological and moral framework. The issue is a sensitive one, as theology involves an obligation to the text and morality involves an obligation to the
There has been a heated discussion in the field of Translation Studies with respect to where the emphasis should be put. Should it be on the source text and the sender, on the target text and the receiver or the process itself? This boils down to how one defines translation. This essay offers a critical view on the Skopos theory, which focuses on the translation process. A discussion is included to illustrate the importance of translation brief in both pedagogical and professional settings. Other related theories are presented as well. Finally, the essay concludes with a few remarks and suggestions.
The work of the translator stars with the reading of the ST: he has to study the lexicon, the grammatical structure, the communicative intention of the writer, and of course the cultural context in which is developed the ST, in order to identify the best translation strategy able to express the original intention.
...eded. I wish I could take this class more early. When I saw the responses from classmates, the responses were very different because the experience of each classmate is different. Now, I realize how diverse the customers would be. Even though most of the customers were from United States, I am not from United States. I could not understand what they need in first place. I have seen some ads example showing how simply translating words is not enough. Pepsi Cola’s “Come Alive With Pepsi” campaign when it was translated for the Taiwanese market, conveyed the unsetting news that, “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.” This shows that deeper understanding of the other culture is necessary to translate meaning effectively. In short, cross cultural communication is relatively important for me when I want to do business international or domestically.
The Chinese language and Portuguese are the official languages which can be used by the executive authorities, legislature and judiciary of the Macau Special Administrative Region (The Basic Law of the Macau, 1993). Since the population of Macau society became diversity, the language policy is not close to current Macau society. According to the report of Resultados dos Censos (2011), beside Cantonese and Mandarin, English became the most used language in Macau. The government is still unwilling to admit and legitimate it although government realized that English plays a critical role in Macau society. Some people supported the government because they argued that adopting English as an official language will further to weaken the development