Transformative Research Theory

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Inductive use of theory in research refers to a data collection in particular topic, and analyze them to develop a theory (from observation to theory). Deductive use of theory in research focuses on testing a theory (theory to observation).
2. Describe the transformative paradigm. How does it relate to notions of advocacy and social justice?
According to the text book, "The transformative worldview holds that research inquiry needs to be intertwined with politics and a political change agenda to confront social oppression at whatever levels it occurs (Mertens, 2010)." The common understanding about the transformative research paradigm are ethical stances of inclusion and challenging oppressive social structure, built trust and make goals and …show more content…

It is an objective of the research, which focuses on what you intend to accomplish. The purpose statement of the study would be major component, and direct you to a right direction. Without purpose, you may not be able to research, and accomplish your goal. Problem statement is not an intent of the study, it is about the issues, problems, and challenges that people/society have facing. For example, the purpose of the study can be finding a workable foreign policy regarding international terrorism. However, the problem statement may talk about the terrorism, lack of opportunity, and radicalization of the texts.
5. Describe at least three important factors to consider when framing a research question.
There are different factors that you have to consider while framing a research question. Research question is a key to planning and carrying out a successful research project. Research question should be clear, purposeful, answerable, and coherent. Therefore, researchers should consider the following factors when designing research question.
1. Define your project: researcher should clearly state the concerns that s/he like to …show more content…

Discuss why research questions and hypotheses may be considered 'signposts ' for a research study. What information should a reader might a reader be able to infer or imagine based on the question? Why is the 'ladder of specificity ' important?
Research question or hypothesis may be considered signposts for a research study, because it gives you a path to follow throughout the research project. A good research question introduces the reader to the importance of the topic, place the issue into a particular context, and provides the framework for the results. The ladder of specificity is important while planning for your research because it gives you some flexibility to designing a research question. It helps to farming a good research question through different steps.
7. What is a 'framework for research design '? What are the important take-aways from R & M Chapter 4?
A framework of research design deals with aims, purposes, intentions, and plans within the practical constraints of location, time, and resources (72). A framework of research has five components, purpose(s), conceptual framework, research questions, methods, and sampling procedures. R & M Chapter four focuses on framework of research designing, design issues, strategy, and establishing

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