Transferable Skills in workplace

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Transferable Skills in Workplace Introduction As a student, it never too soon to look at the job market in which you will be operating as a job seeker, and at what can help you to maximize the chance of having a profitable job. To be attractive to the employer is that students have to acquire during the school time. Nowadays, there have been many researches on 'employability', which is generally regarded as a broader concept of skills in the workplace. According to the definition given by the Higher Education Academy, employability is: A set of achievements-skills, understandings and personal attributes - that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy. (HEA, 2012, p.4, based on Yorke 2006) Skills given above are what students should develop and invest during the process of studying for a degree. Obviously, these skills called transferable skills are both relevant to employment and study. 'These skills are interpersonal as well as intellectual, and include the skill to learn from experience as well as reading, the ability to manage yourself, basic skills in numeracy, literacy and IT, interpersonal group-working and communication skills in analyzing and solving problems' (Cameron, 2008:19). So whether students could gain transferable skills in the university has become a major factor of developing a career after their graduation. Importance of transferable skills Browsing want advertisements, it can be easily found that most of companies are looking for employees who have transferable skills involved in: passions towards working, responsibility, communication skills, team-working skills, etc. The skills which... ... middle of paper ... ...rk in Organizations.Available: Last accessed 9th Nov 2013. James G. Skakoon, W. J. King and Alan Sklar (2007). The Unwritten Laws of Business. /: Tantor Media. Kevin Gallagher (2010).Skills Development for Business and Management Students. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. K.Goodwin.1. Top 10 Transferable Skills.Available: Last accessed 9th Nov 2013. Sheila Cameron (2008).The Business Student's Handbook. England: Prentice Hall. /. (2012).Employability.Available: Last accessed 9th Nov 2013. /. (/).Transferable Skills: What You Must Have When Finding A New Career.Available: Last accessed 9th Nov 2013.

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