TYPES OF PLAGIARISM The word plagiarism was derived from the Latin word plagiarius which means ‘kidnapper.’ The use of this word cannot be traced in the English language up until the onset of the 15th century circa 1620. Grammatically, plagiarism is defined as the illegal appropriation as well as theft and publication of another writer’s, author’s or any other creative’s content (ideas), style, language among other authentic aspects of his / her work and then forwarding them or claiming them as your original work. Whereas plagiarism is not a civil or criminal offense, it is considered as a serious breach of ethical codes and conducts of both journalistic and academic worlds and usually bears serious consequences if discovered or detected in …show more content…
This iteration of plagiarism usually happens when a given person forgets to cite their actual sources, or when they wrongly quote these sources or even unintentionally / unknowingly mentions a source using the same sentence structure or group of words as a source in his work (Donev, 2014). Unfortunately, even the lack of prior intent to plagiarize does not excuse nor absolve a student from being responsible for this literary vice. Ultimately, it is the onus of the students to learn how to correctly cite their desired sources and also how to come up accurate and authentic citations when doing their research. Just like the rest of the aforementioned literary vices, accidental plagiarism is even considered as dangerous as any other type of plagiarism and subject to similar consequences as …show more content…
With that said, different academic establishments have their unique ways of dealing with cases of plagiarism as well as various set penalties for such. At the University of Kentucky for instance, the least penalty for plagiarism is a straight zero on the plagiarized assignment for first time ‘minor offenders’. For subsequent ‘major offenders,’ the Senate of the faculty of the course they are taking recommends more severe penalties. Also, Senate rules of most institutes bar those who have been penalized for plagiarism from absconding from the sequence in which the plagiarism offense occurred for whatsoever reason (College of Arts & Science, 2016). Different institutions will have varying degrees of penalties for academic crimes such as plagiarism with some establishments having extreme measures such as student suspension or even total
They show their view of plagiarism clearly in their documents through the use of terms such as “without hesitation” and “will not be tolerated” (Student code of conduct and discipline, 2015, p. 6; 9. Academic Honesty, n.d.). Many college students try to find out the ways how to avoid being accused of committing a serious academic offence as much as they can. Putting their own name on someone else’s works and getting good grades, some of them might succeed cleverly, but it is nothing but dishonesty. Both colleges warn students the consequences of plagiarism strongly, saying it can bring negative
The book lists common excuses for use of plagiarism: “’I was in a hurry’, ‘I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to’, ‘There’s pressure to get good grades’, ‘Everybody else does it’, ‘I mixed up my notes by accident’, ‘Somebody else said it so much better’, ‘I’m not hurting anyon...
It is a random Thursday night on the first floor of Brewster Hall and the Campus of State University when a frazzled young girl wanders into the room of a fellow student inquiring about The Stranger by Albert Camus. She needs to have a three page paper completed by tomorrow and cannot find a kick start on the essay writing process. Since her peers are on the level of the common doormat concerning Camus, she was left without any further help. However, had she just typed “the stranger, camus” into Google, three of the first ten sites listed would have directed her to either free or paid essay sites.
When I think of plagiarism, I imagine a person literally stealing from another individual. The term plagiarism is derived from the Latin word plagi rius, which essentially represents the felony of kidnapping. An individual who kidnaps anothers work is a felon. Obviously, this form of larceny is not as immoral as the form for which one can be imprisoned; however, most educators and honest students view plagiarism in this manner. Within education I conceive that there are two kinds of plagiarism: copying a paper word-for-word and not providing the correct recognition to the original author when utilizing their composition. I believe that each situation of plagiarism should be considered serious enough to investigate in order to determine an appropriate consequence. If an individual is not clear on how to cite works properly within the context of an essay, then the omission should be determined non-intentional and, therefore, not subject to punishment. However, if someone deliberately duplicates somebody elses work, then he or she should be reprimanded. This form of pilfering usually occurs in the higher levels of education, as in high school or college.
Plagiarism takes various forms. A student may cheat doing something as extreme as purchasing a paper, hiring someone to write a paper or turning in a paper freely provided by a friend. Many students unknowingly commit Plagiarism by failing to properly cite their sources crediting the authors. Still others cite, but plagiarize by coping much too much and writing far, far too little of their own synthesized thoughts and ideas. Students must be careful about copying too much. If a paper is mostly other writers’ material, that can be considered Plagiarism, even if the student credits their sources.
First, plagiarizing students must be expelled. Many students are not well aware of the strict law preventing them to use even some statements from other resources without citation or quotation. According to the website Hamptonroads.com, the student Allison Routman, studying in the U.Va. Shipboard program, was accused of plagiarism when she borrowed some phrases from Wikipedia.com to support her outline assignment of the movie “ Europa Europa”. Even though, she claimed that nobody had explained anything relating to plagiarism and said she did not made up as the other students who confessed that they did copying from some sources because she did think she was working well on her homework, the officials and her teacher did not admit her apology. They said this was her fault because she was supposed to read the documents including the honor-code of the university they gave her in the beginning of the summer semester. Finally she was victim of plagiarism nonetheless she did not intend that. (1)
Have you ever known someone who plagiarized, either unknowingly or intentionally? Have you? It is very to plagiarize, today in a world of technology. Sadly enough, many people don't even know what it truly is, which can sometimes lead to plagiarizing without knowing it. There are many different ways to plagiarize, but all are wrong and unjust. Whether someone does it unintentionally or deliberately, plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism should be corrected, fixed, and deleted before any damage is done.
Plagiarism, conventionally defined as literary theft, is the stealing and replication of the original ideas of another person without requesting for consent or crediting the author of a recorded or authored work (Heath 4). It may take several forms, for example, presenting an idea as original even though it has been derived from an existing source, or even neglecting to put quotation marks when quoting a sentence from borrowed work. In as much as plagiarism is widely regarded as a bad practice, it is at times committed unintentionally. As a result, there is an anti-plagiarism policy in several academic institutions and heavy penalties are imposed on individuals involved in plagiarism.
However, those forms of academic misconducts do lead to the same consequences, as when students plagiarize either other people works or their own works, their actions negatively impact the academic community by degrading the community’s reputation, destroying the expectations of the readers, and reducing students’ abilities to utilize their knowledge and ideas. As we have learnt about the academic dishonesty, those actions supposed to be completely wiped out. Therefore, we all should know that as a member of the academic community, we are all expected to have integrity and responsibility. If we plagiarize then there is no reason to be in the academic community, as it will not help us generating new ideas or gaining new knowledge. To prevent this, all students should concern about how important academic integrity is, and know how to perform it. Expectantly, this may leads to success in both students’ life and the academic
Plagiarism, or the unaccredited use of another's work or ideas, has become more and more of a problem in recent times than it was in the past. According to statistics found in a survey conducted by the Free Press, 58% of high school students let someone copy their work in 1969, but by 1989 this number had risen to 97%. The expansion of the World Wide Web and the number of people accessing the Web on a regular basis has caused an epidemic of plagiarism in this country, especially among students. This is a serious problem that must be addressed because many students feel that if they are not getting in trouble for cheating, than it is okay.
Plagiarism is a very serious topic to be dealt with, due to the fact that it can damage one’s future very severely. It is done often by students in high school and other institutes such as universities and colleges. People plagiarize intentionally and sometimes even unintentionally. The people who plagiarize intentionally are people who don’t really care about their future and career. The people who plagiarize unintentionally are people who do not cite their work properly and completely. Most people that plagiarize do not get a good mark and most likely have to face consequences such as failure, suspension or the chance of being expelled. In conclusion it is believed that one should not put his/her future at risk and try to expand their mind through the process of critical thinking independently, so they do not have to make the mistake of plagiarizing.
Plagiarism is defined by UMUC (2006) as “the intentional or unintentional presentation of another person’s idea or product as one’s own. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the following: copying verbatim all of part of another’s written work; using phrases, charts, figures, illustration, or mathematical or scientific solutions without citing the source; paraphrasing ideas conclusions or research without citing the source in the text and in reference lists; or using all or part of a literary ...
Plagiarism is a very serious subject to talk about. It doesn’t sound like it is that big of a deal but very serious things can come out of it. Students could lose scholarships and get kicked out of school for something as simple as copying someone else’s work. Students should learn the rules and regulations of the school ,that they are attending, about plagiarism.[1] That’s basically what plagiarism is; copying someone else’s work.
Plagiarism is a serious offense and a growing trend in our society today. Some may associate plagiarism with the idea of taking someone else’s writing and making it their own. In fact plagiarism involves anything that is copied or taken and said to be of your own work. Dictionary.com defines plagiarism as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author”. In fact this definition covers all types of cheating and misrepresentation of ones own work. There are many numbers and statistics that can be found on the amount of individuals that have admitted to cheating. Perhaps the most astounding number is one that was reported by Moeck in 2002 aloft of 40% of higher education students commit academic dishonesty. This number I’m sure has grown since this report and will continue to grow with the development of the Internet. There are a number of ideas and strategies that can be employed in order to stop this ever-growing phenomenon. As teachers and adults, we are responsible for stopping this trend and educating students about the consequences and dangers of plagiarism. I believe there are a variety of reasons individuals plagiarize. First, students are insecure with their own ability; they don’t believe they can do the work therefore they take others. Second, students believe they can get away with the act because they know others who have plagiarized, and there were not any consequences. Lastly, students are uneducated on what plagiarism is and do not know the consequences of their actions if they commit an act. These ideas will be the focus of the position taken on plagiarism in today’s academic society.
Today we face a serious problem which is Plagiarism and modern pirates. Plagiarism is the perform of occupying other’s ideas or work and showing the work off as one's own. The critical consequences of plagiarism of ideas and words are known by anyone with an academic background. Plagiarism is deemed academic misconduct and a violation of journalist ethics.