The Pros And Cons Of Condemnation

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Thoughts run through every human beings mind constantly, and some of those thoughts can torment even the strongest of people. When someone is struggling with sin, they can have thoughts like, “I am ashamed and a disgrace to God.” “God cannot ever use me because I am a totally mess up.” When people fall into sin, they can believe God is going to punish them, and they willingly take abuse from others believing it is what they deserve. They are weak and vulnerable because they fell into sin, and into condemnation.
Condemnation has never helped anyone, and in times like these people can become weak. That is when the body of Christ should be there to encourage and pick each other up pointing to what the Word of God says about each member of the body. However, this is rarely the case. I have live most of my life hearing from one pulpit to another how Christian soldiers are the only soldiers who are shooting their wound in the back, and the men who stand behind them proclaim, “this should not be!” As long as I have heard those words, someone would think things would change.
In spite of all the messaging like these I have heard, I still see Christians who believes that God has called his people to stand up and reveal sin. That kind of amazes me, since Jesus is the example to follow, and he died to cover sin. 2 …show more content…

Jesus did not stand there and talk about how bad adultery was, nor did Jesus tell them she deserved what the law commanded. Jesus covered her by reminding them, they had sin in their lives as well. “Who is without sin cast the first stone?” Everyone walked away; so what does that do for the theory that some sin is far worst then other sin, and therefore, needs to be dealt with strongly? I believe it shows us that all sin needs God’s grace. God’s grace covers our sin by giving us his righteousness. Jesus told the woman, “neither do I condemn you, go and sin no

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