The Park Parody

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Tricks at the Park There was laughter ricocheted all around us. The smell of funnel cakes and fried food wafting through the air. The park was alive and cheerful as Libby and I walked through the park in our tank tops and shorts. We laughed as we roamed around, the soft grass brushing our ankles. We held onto our goodies and food, standing in lines for games or joyous activities. “So, you want to do the bungee jump?” Libby asked as we traveled through the joyful park. “Sure, why not,” I laughed, prying off a piece of sugary funnel cake and stuffing it into my mouth. We made our way through the park, at last making it to the line for the bungee jump. Peering up into the bright summer sky, I noticed it was baby blue with little puffs of …show more content…

What if I didn’t flip all the way around and my head smacked into the mini trampoline? What if I became stuck? Questions and what-ifs flew through my head. “I’ll try,” I answered sheepishly, the regret attacking me as soon as I announced the remark. The line shortened and shortened until we were third in line, and I bounced my leg, the anxiety about doing a flip bothering me, I turned towards the contraption, watching the people bounce and ricochet off the trampoline. The time seemed to drag on, feeling like hours; it was, in fact, only a couple of minutes. After a while, the workers took the harnesses off the previous bouncers, and the gate was opened to us. Libby and I walked through the gate, slipping our shoes off, being weighed, and finally, workers strapped us into the harnesses. When I first started, I started slow, bouncing a bit, jumping higher and higher. Finally, I was going extremely high, and decided it was time. Trying the first technique I thought of, I swung my head forward, but it wasn’t enough velocity to flip. After trying again, and again getting closer each time, I kept on trying until I performed a full flip. I was amazed at my achievement. As time went on, I flipped and flipped. Eventually, our time was up and we waited to be unharnessed and slipped our shoes back on. We trudged our way back through the gate on …show more content…

Libby and I glanced around for our parents, remembering that we had seen them watching earlier. We traveled around until I found my mom, and I shouted excitedly, “DID YOU SEE MY FLIP?” She glanced at me and frowned, telling me she left before I did my flips. Crestfallen, I stared down at my shoes, blue in the green grass. The grass was delicate and silky, tickling my ankles in the soft breeze. Suddenly, the laughing around me wasn’t so inviting and the smells made me sick. The rest of that day in the park I was grumpy, stomping around, ignoring my mom. In conclusion, even though I ended up mad, I still learned something. If you are determined you cannot do something and believe it impossible for you, you still have the ability to do it if you try to the best of your abilities. At first, I was terrified and thought it impossible, but I achieved my goal. That day ended in disappointment, but also ended with the triumph of

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