The Myers Briggs Personality Test To My Sister, Karli Brewington

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Personality Project Reflection The Myers Briggs personality test to my sister, Karli Brewington. Karli Brewington is a ninth grader at Rock Hill High School in high academic achieving honors classes. Her rigorous class load and reading comprehension allowed her to understand a large majority of the questions on this test. Her results came back as ENFP ( E: extroverted, N: intuitive, F: feeling, and P: perception). This feedback is actually quite accurate for my sister. She is very curious and observant. My sister is also great at relaxing and being popular and very sociable. Her negative attributes are also very accurate. She has trouble focusing, overthinks in any circumstance, gets stressed out very easily, and is highly emotional in which …show more content…

First, by reading over my results it was very helpful to understand why I like putting others before myself, defending those who need it, and always serving others because I am the defender and that’s what 13% of the people around the world do. It is also helpful to understand why I am shyer and introverted because I put others before myself and I serve them. I also felt that by knowing what I am stronger at or weaker of so I know how to approach any situation in the future. The one thing that I found to be least helpful is that even though I know my negative traits, it will be very hard to break those habits because those qualities define who I am. Some of my most accurate responses were supportive, reliable, being a great family man and husband, caring, imaginative and observant, loyal, enthusiastic, hardworking and an admirable employee. Altogether, there was nothing that does not define who I am. These results for me were actually highly …show more content…

This career will fit my career path extremely well because I have the best personality for servicing others. I am humble and love to help others and I believe that this love for bringing good to others is why I would thrive at being an oral surgeon. However, I do have some qualities that will need some work before I become an oral surgeon. I am an introvert and I have a problem of going outside my comfort zone. Also, individuals tend to take advantage of people who have my personality because I will do everything in my power to help those in need. So on top of being academically gifted, I also need to read into others intentions before they abuse my help and

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