The Misfit Character Analysis

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"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing and inwardly are ravening wolves," (Matthew 7:15 New testament KJV). Matthew, from the New Testament, preached to those around about false teachers, who will lie and deceit others. O'Connor was a strong believer in her faith, due to her strong beliefs O'Connor incorporates her beliefs through archetypes, themes, and symbols. One major archetype O'Connor uses is the Misfit. The Misfit resembles Satan. Just like Satan, the Misfit was devious and manipulative. "Would you mind stepping back in them woods there with them?" (). The Misfit was trying to disguise what he was going to have Hiram and Bobby Lee has truly done. Both the Misfit and Satan try to cover up what is honestly happening …show more content…

The dirt road symbolizes the sinful life of people. At moments people can be on top of the world and have everything they ever wanted, there are people who have nothing and are at rock bottom, there are people who have been saved and washed of their sins, and there are people who take risks and live carefree. "The dirt road was hilly and there was sudden washes in it and sharp curves on dangerous embankments. All at once they would be on a hill, looking down over the blue tops of trees for miles around, then the next minute, they would be in a red depression with dust coated trees looking down on them," (112) The ditch is another symbol O'Connor uses in her short story. The ditch symbolizes a spiritual rut. A person cannot move forward nor can a person move back in their faith. The mother and grandmother sat in the ditch too frightened to move backwards or forwards. The biggest way O'Connor shows her beliefs is through her themes. O'Connor uses many themes that resemble the bible. One theme is good vs. evil. Just like the Bible, A Good Man is Hard to Find, has innocent people, which is the mother, Bailey, and the baby. The evil in disguise is the Misfit and grandmother who have a front they show everyone, and keep the truth hidden underneath lies and

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