The Middle School System And Development Of Young Adolescents

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Young students today that are going through the middle school system are between the ages of 10 to 15 years old. They are going through a crucial stage of life in which many alterations occur such as emotional, physical, and mental changes. All of these changes that they must go through are essential to develop into healthy, fully functional, and self-actualized people. As a future educator, I need to see that middle school students are unique; they are too old to be considered children and too young to be considered adolescents. Middle level professionals have certain roles and responsibilities as it relates to the development of young adolescents. We must present ourselves as role models for the students and have the responsibility to make sure that as they progress through middle school they have enriched, meaningful learning experiences through challenging, exploratory, integrative, and relevant curriculum. As a future educator, I need to understand and recognize these changes, strengths, weaknesses, and diversities and be able to plan accordingly and appropriately for them in the classroom. I have developed my own philosophy for teaching at the middle level, based on this evidence and my understanding about the unique characteristics of middle level adolescents that will help mold me into a great middle school educator!
As I continue to shadow cooperating teachers through my field experience observations, I believe that some students can be taught self-discipline while others need to be “controlled and disciplined”. Not every student at the middle level has the same amount of motivation, learning capability, and discipline; which can be a huge academic factor in their schooling. By stating this, I believe tha...

... middle of paper ... teach my students the concept of self-discipline so that eventually they will learn how discipline themselves as they continue to grow older. As these students progress onto high school, college, and eventually a career they need to have an understanding of how to discipline themselves and that it is an important step of growing up and moving out into the real world. When I do become a middle level educator in the future, I want to be able to have some freedom to choose my own classroom management practices while also incorporating the school-adopted classroom management programs practices as well. But if I did not have a choice, I would still feel comfortable with adhering to the tenets of a school-adopted classroom management program because I will know exactly what the school expects and wants me to do to be able to have an effective classroom management plan.

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