The Juicy Cheeseburger

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Where’s The Juicy Cheeseburger? Ads can be seen anywhere. But, each that is seen contains a different objective. Whatever the objective might be, all ads have one thing in common and that is to be successful and try to convince a person to purchase their product. Although ads can be seen anywhere, most are overlooked because they do not attract the viewer’s attention. If persuasive aspects are genuinely portrayed then the ad will most likely be successful. But, if it fails to incorporate these persuasive aspects, then the ad will not be effective and will most likely go unnoticed just like this specific McDonald’s ad. For example, while turning the pages of a magazine a reader might hesitate when noticing a huge, mouthwatering Big-Mac …show more content…

The wide variety of color and texture is the first thing a reader might notice. Besides the picture included within the ad, the overall page itself was dull and uninteresting. Since McDonald’s is known for their golden arches and red packaging it would be a good idea to use these colors in their ad. But, the major color used was white, which denotes purity and can frequently be overlooked because of its inability to stand out. White is also known to symbolize new beginnings which is opposite of what the context is trying to convey. Within the context, McDonald’s is stating how they have been around an extensive amount of time and how their employees do not just come and go, they tend to stay and have a future working there. Also, by choosing the color white as the entire background for this ad, it takes away a major persuasive appeal that could have been expressed. Even though this ad did contain a slight amount of color, it was only in the background of the image displayed. So, instead of using red or yellow, white was used which takes away from the ethical appeal. Since most people connect red and yellow to the enjoyment they have while experiencing McDonald’s, the solid white background takes away from the overall persuasive objective of this …show more content…

Of course most of the time they will be talking about buying a house, the location of an ad is still extremely important. If this particular ad was placed among several different fast food restaurants, including McDonald’s, then it would have a good chance of being successful. On the other hand, with this ad being placed in People magazine, it is unlikely that it will stand out. Since People magazine is about celebrity news, photos, and shocking events, this McDonald’s ad will not be successful because people do not read this type of magazine to see an ad like this one in particular. A better location for this ad would be a magazine specifically about food. Many people open a food magazine just because they are hungry. So if they happen to flip through and see this ad it could likely make them crave McDonald’s. Once someone sees this ad and decides that McDonald’s sounds appetizing, then it is also likely that they will chose to eat their instead of doing all the work to make a large dinner like in that specific magazine. Also, since the ad is located in People magazine, not all groups of people will be persuaded by this ad because of the location. Since this magazine is geared more toward middle aged women, a large group of customers are easily missed and most likely will never even see the ad. With this location this ad will easily be overlooked and will not attract many different customers

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