Film Analysis: Pseudo-Spiritual Marketing

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This film dealt with advertising and the techniques used today as a way to sell products and services while raising the question as to whether there are more brands in need of a real purpose. Furthermore, it worked to explain some the difficulties found within advertising such as reaching the consumer as well as the evolution of marketing.
Whether recognized or not, advertisements play a significant role on the way in which consumers make choices. Though society as a whole may not recognize the impact of advertising, commercials and good billboards are still noticed and enjoyed. Even colors are used a way in which to catch the eye of the consumer.
While watching this film I gained greater insight into the intricate process that goes into the ads in which I come into contact every day. This film revealed the vast amount of advertising that surrounds me every day which I may often miss. I am now more aware that each ad I see from location to color to size has a purpose behind the choices made to create it. …show more content…

To realize that an advertiser might pay more for a certain time slot to air their commercial was surprising.
While watching this film, one issue in particular raised was that of cult marketing which is called, Pseudo-Spiritual Marketing which focuses on making consumers feel as if they belong to something bigger than themselves. Companies often attempt to instill within their consumers a certain form of loyalty to their specific brand which persuades a consumer to purchase only their brand despite the quality or price of the product instead of purchasing that of their

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