The Importance Of Virtue In Plato's Meno

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In Plato’s Meno, the main question in the dialogue is whether virtue can be taught. In order to figure this answer out, you would have to know what virtue is. Merriam-Webster dictionary states the virtue is a conformity to a standard of right and a particular moral excellence. Oxford dictionaries states that virtue is a behavior showing high moral standards. These and many other dictionaries have similar definitions showing us that there is common ground on the definition of virtue. However this was not a simple task in the platonic dialogue Meno. The story Meno discovers that there is no definite definition to what is virtue? Virtue can be many things.
Before Meno is talked about, there needs to be some background knowledge needed to be presented concerning virtue. In the ancient language of greek, virtue is translated to arete meaning moral goodness. According to, arete is related to aristos meaning the best which is where aristocracy comes from. Aristocracy is the rule of the best people, so virtue was necessary in being a greek aristocrat. Arete was a favored trait in people. Not only can people have arete, things like houses or possessions can have it. Virtue is also shown in many religions, especially Christianity. For example, in Christianity, …show more content…

According to Socrates, a virtue must be consistent and has to be universal to all people. One of the definitions that Meno provided wasn’t for everyone. He named virtues for genders, age, and social status. Different cultures have different types of virtues that may be universal to them. For example Americans believe in tolerance as a virtue. Virtues are universal in cultures. Virtues cannot be universal internationally because factors like nature and nurture come into play. Socrates also believes that a virtue has to be good. The problem with this is that what may be good to someone be may be bad to someone else. Even great philosophers like Socrates can be contradicted using his

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