The Importance Of Learning Styles

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It is known that each individual has their own way of learning which is mostly associated with how their brain process information and how this information is recorded. Whether it is an image, a word or an action that will trigger this memory back to life when it is needed is what defines a person’s learning style and something that intrigues a lot of psychologist and neurologist. People who process information with their right part of the brain have a different learning style than those who process information with their left part of the brain. It is believed that depending on which side of the brain a person uses when information is being processed this will dictate which teaching style will benefit them the most. Since every person’s brains works differently it is require mixing different learning styles when considering how to teach a lesson so it can benefits the most amount of people (GalaGan, 2014). Psychologists and neurologists work together experimenting with non-evasive experiments that can observe the brain working and how each side of the brain affects the subjects learning ability (Brem, Ran, & Pascual-leone, 2013) There are three different learning styles that can be defined to be the most efficient when learning which are: Visual, auditory, and tactile. Visual learning is exactly what it sounds like, it requires the student to observe the said subject while is being explained, preferably with pictures that can be recalled at will when the subject is raised. Auditory learning is when the student has to hear the teacher or recording in order to learn the material. On the other hand, tactile learning refers to the student having to do hands-on learning, meaning the student would have to practice an experiment or follo... ... middle of paper ... ...ated with the visual and auditory learning styles, while the right part of the brain is associated with the visual and tactile learning styles. The brain works as a unit connecting both sides to obtain maximum capacity, but it is dominated by one side predominantly. The side that predominates the way information is process is the one that dictates which learning style is better for you, and ensures greater academic achievement. Since each individual’s brain works is different from one to another, sometimes a combination of all the teaching styles its necessary to be adopted by the instructors in order to benefit all of the students to certain degree without focusing too much in just one style. It is important to remember that both sides of the brain are directly connected and when attempting to improve the ability of one side the other side also benefits from this.

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