The Importance Of Language Teaching And Learning

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In the last century, there has been major shifts in attitudes towards language teaching and learning. Language was previously viewed as a system that can be acquired through focusing on grammar, that view influenced some teaching methods such as Grammar Translation Method, Audiolingual Method and Situational Language Teaching (Nunan 2001). Scholars started to question the validity of such methods, because they have noticed that although students had a good knowledge of the language rules, they were unable to use the language to communicate (Larsen-Freeman 2001). In other words, students should learn linguistics skills as well as communicative skills (Richards and Rodgers 2001). Littlewood (2002:1) commented, "the structural view …show more content…

Teacher's role is to present a topic and let the students express their ideas, he is advised to tolerate student's errors when the focus is on fluency, later on error's can be presented and corrected when accuracy is discussed.
• Native language is rarely used, only if the teacher wants to explain difficult tasks or assigned homework. Students, on the other hand, are responsible for their learning, through pairs and group work communication will be developed.
• Student's communication will be successful if they can speak or write coherently and cohesively.
• Fluency and accuracy are both important goals in language learning.
• Communication involves the integration of different language skills.
• Learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error.
• Culture is recognized as instrumental in shaping speakers’ communicative competence, in both their first and subsequent languages.
• No single methodology or fixed set of techniques is prescribed.

CLT has caused major shifts in language teaching (Richards

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