Diet Analysis Essay

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It's important to create a diet that has more than the normal daily requirement of calories. If you are a true Ectomorph, simply adding more calories means absolutely nothing. Your body will burn right through them with no problem. Its the type of calories that you are adding that are most important. You want to consume a lot of slow burning foods and macro nutrients that encourages the body into storage and retention, and not released automatically are essential. Ectomorphs absorb and assimilate nutrients very quickly. Foods that you consume that are quick burning will not stay in your stomach long enough to develop into anything. Oatmeal, pasta, bread, rice or yams are some excellent choices for slow release carbs that will slow your …show more content…

This is a process and will take time so you have to be patient and consistent. Understand that you may lose some of your hard cuts during this mass building stage and look a little softer, but your body type will have you bounce back and razor sharp once you have reached your desired weight gain …show more content…

Like all good eaters, you should be eating protein with every meal. That means eggs for breakfast, mid-morning nuts (which are mostly fat, but contain protein), chicken for lunch, a post workout protein shake, and steak for dinner. Mmm. Manhood. Fruits and vegetables are still important. Vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients are in these foods that are absolutely essential for you to grow and be healthy. Don't allow ectomorphia to be an excuse to eat crap. A healthy diet always includes plants also with every meal. Ultimately, getting bigger is not an easy task for the ectomorph. Most of the information out there is about weight loss. Some of those rules need to be broken and some of those rules still apply. But a smart nutrition plan will make all of the difference when going from she-man to

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