The Health Belief Model

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When conducting research on the Health Belief model, the following things were found. The Health Belief Model is used widely today to explain why or why people don’t get treated for an illness or medical condition. Research revealed who coined the model and what the main constructs of the model are. The reader will learn about the model, who coined it, how it works, the constructs of it, and how it is used in science and research today. The reader will learn that although preventative actions and methods are given, that not everyone takes advantage of them and actually uses them.
The Health Belief Model, also known as the HBM, is a psychological model that tries to explain and predict different health behaviors for different …show more content…

The Health Belief Model is still a working model. “The HBM derives from psychological and behavioral theory with the foundation that the two components of health-related behavior are 1) the desire to avoid illness, or conversely get well if already ill; and, 2) the belief that a specific health action will prevent, or cure, illness.” (LaMorte) Therefore, an individual’s actions depend on the person and what he or she believes to be helpful and beneficial to their …show more content…

The Health Belief Model tries to explain and predict one’s health behaviors. I feel that although doctors take precautionary actions and provide helpful preventative information that not everyone takes the information and uses it wisely. Although there are actions we can take to prevent illness or health conditions, not everyone applies these preventative actions to their daily lives. The Health Belief Model is also still relevant today because people are still avoiding treatment and/or are also not utilizing new technology and the availability of these tests to detect a disease early on in their

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