The Golden Rule: Bottle Logic: Bottle Logic

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The Golden Rule ... Bottle Logic

As I walked into the Bottle Logic tasting Lounge Crossfire played, by Stevie Ray. What ever happened to the Golden Rule are the final words to the song. I can tell you, that Bottle Logic is living up to the Golden Rule. Bottle Logic is treating others as they would like done to themselves. The beer is so different and intense with taste and flavor, it is definitively craft beer with soul. They have the best stout I have had ever. The other constants in their armada of mouth smacking beers are not to be missed either. The Golden Rule lives at Bottle Logic.

Bottle Logic is found in the industrial zoned area off La Palma and Kraemer, or more specifically Armondo, in the city of Anaheim California.
You could call them their brand beers or flagships but, what ever you call them they aren’t bland or tasteless. At Bottle Logic they pride themselves on a continuous rotation of experimental flavor, and it pays off. Each week has a new variation of the next best thing. They treat you right with flavor and intensity and are not withholding quality ingredients. Deep profiles can be found on even their lighter beer. It gives each beer legs to standout on their own with great taste and complexity. I will go through all five that come along in what they dub the “The Constant’s” sample
Holy ... this thing had some great deep taste on it. I think saying it is a lager that drinks like a stout might be out of line, but thats really how deep the complexity in its malty, toffee, even light coffee backgrounds come through. I should say up front that it has won the GABF 2 years in a row, so it has been in the ring a couple of times and knows how to fight. But still caught me off guard, with its robust and intense strength of roasted-ness.

Saison. Oh, Saison. Do you have to say Saison like Frenchmen? Vidal Saison? Rinse and repeat?. Look I’m going to be blunt, I dont typically try Saison. I feel less American when I say the word Saison. I know, I know its the French word for season. Which means nothing to many breweries because its what ever they want it to be anyway. I digress, upon imbibing of this magical elixir as part of my meal , it was a great palette cleanser for what was ahead. Lots of floral, and citrus, orange and light spice.. Refreshing, is really what it

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