The Golden Rule

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Now days every time we turn around we hear of horror stories or stories of unbelievable proportions because it seems so unbelievable. Stories such as people murdering people for no reason, robbery in broad daylight, “cover up” from the government, and unfortunately the list is endless. And when we hear the stories we often wonder what causes these people to behave that way or better yet we say: “I can’t believe that”. The next question comes to mind, is what happened to their morals? And because unethical acts seems to be touching everyone’s life one way or another, this narrative touches on the different types of ethics and their meanings. For many years people such as Confucius to Aristotle to our own Benjamin Franklin, have attempted to explain their views on “what consists of good morals and ethics.” We all seem to have morals and ethics at some point in our lives (probably around childhood); but over the years many of us have lost them. And unfortunately for whatever reasons there are, people seem to have less and less compassion and care for their fellow man. Having said that, doesn’t everyone deserve to be treated with dignity and respect? After many years of research, there still is not a relevant reason for this injustice. After delving into the presented research and resources, perhaps the reader can come to a conclusion. Presented in this paper are comparisons of the different types of “personalities or morals” and their beliefs and thoughts. I think we should all be concerned about this situation because every day it impacts our lives.

Keywords: ethics, morals, character

Ethics, Morals and Values:

An Analysis

What exactly is Ethics? “Ethics comes from the Greek ethos, meaning character”. “Morality...

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Because all cultures have different ideas of “what is right and what is wrong” it is hard to come up with a basic “moral guideline”. I think that all cultures should develop a “moral guideline” for themselves and reinforce it. However, the problem is because we don’t know what constitutes what is “moral or immoral” we can only be concerned with our society and make sure everyone adheres to our “law of the land”.


Based on findings and research, the world is made up of many different types of people with different morals and ethics. Some have more than others, and what’s right for one person may not always be right for the other person. Many of us are unhappy with the way the world is going because of the turmoil we’re now going through. Perhaps we should take a look at ourselves before we judge other people and follow the golden rule.

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