Golden Rule Essay

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The history of my ethical background developed early in my childhood by my parents, grandparents, school and society. I grew up in a Christian based home where my parents and grandparents used the teachings in the bible to shape my moral and ethical decision-making process. My moral philosophy is rooted from the verse Matthew 7:12, which, states, “do to others whatever you would like them to do to you”, also known as the “Golden Rule”. (Book of Matthew, 2004). My grandparents lived by this statement every day and it is through their daily interactions with members of society that provided me with a living example on the significance of living by this rule. My grandparents never met a stranger and the “Golden Rule” always applied to their interactions with people regardless of age, sex, race or religion and ultimately led many individuals to accept Jesus Christ into their lives. A recent experience at the United States Military Academy tested my personnel stance in the “Golden Rule” by conducting marriage counseling for the Army Married Couples Program on two female cadets recently engaged for marriage following graduation. All three …show more content…

One major strength is the common ground basis for all to adhere by regardless of one’s religious, ethnic or personnel background. The application of treating others, as one would like to be treated is universal to the human nature regardless of personnel beliefs. It is also simple to use by putting oneself in someone else’s situation and observing it from their viewpoint. However, the “Golden Rule” is from the book Matthew in the bible and not everyone believes in Christianity. This might turn some people away from its application but several other religions have constructed its own version as well due to its universal cause. In addition, it can be easily manipulated to defend one’s immoral conduct by reversing its

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