The Genre of Mystery in The Signalman and the Monkeys Paw

532 Words2 Pages

How do dickens and jacobs use the genre of mystery in the signalman

and the monkeys paw?

To answer the question, I believe that the authors of The Signalman

and The Monkey's Paw use the genres of mystery very well. I am going

to explain why I think that in the following essay.

The first idea that I am going to look at is the role of fate. We see

this take place in both stories, but in slightly different ways. In

The Monkey's Paw, we see fate take on a large role, as the story is

about a monkey's paw that has been invested with a lot of evil power

because "an old fakir" wanted to teach people not to interfere with

fate and its course.

In The Signalman however, the role of fate is not as large as the role

in The Monkey's Paw. The signalman sees a figure waving, and then the...

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