In order to measure family support, the Family Environment Scale (FES) will be utilized. The Family Environment Scale gives professionals and researchers a way of knowing how each family member, including offenders and non-offenders who suffer from substance use, see their families. According to Moos and Moss (n.d.) the FES will examine each family member’s opinions of the family in three systems: as it is (real), as it would be in a perfect setting (ideal), and as it will probably be in new circumstances (expected) (as cited in Meyer, 1996). The FES can be administrated individually or to a group or family. Is part of the family of the Social Climate Scales and seems that has additional normative information as well as more intense discussion …show more content…
On this scale, the manual contains in-depth explanations of how the scale was developed, and reveals that the designers followed accepted principles (FES, n.d.). The rationale underlying formation of the FES is explained as an introduction to discussing reliability and validity. There are three important ways to assure that a scale is reliable consistency overtime, consistency between raters, and consistency between multiple items. It is important to mention that the data suggest that the FES does discriminate on dimensions such as cohesion, expressiveness, independence, intellectual and recreational orientation, and on conflict (FES, n.d). According to the FES (n.d.), the overall stability reduced over time, especially at 10 years from the start of the study and of the subscales, moral-religious orientation and organization showed the highest …show more content…
There are two types of constructive validity: Convergent validity, which explains whether or not theoretical relationships can be determined, and discriminant validity, which explains to what degree subjects, can differentiate between variables or topics. According to Meyer (1996), “The convergent validity coefficient between the cohesion scale on the FES and the cohesion scale on FACES II was significant at .74” (Abstract section). Numerous studies have addressed construct and discriminant validity of this scale. According to the FES (n.d), the manual describes in detail those FES constructs that have been shown to correlate with other constructs and measures to which it should and should not relate. The FES demonstrates satisfactory evidence of acceptable validity. Item validity means that the items on the scale should make sense and the concept has to be logical and completely meaningful. The FES has strong content validity as it measures cohesion, expressiveness, conflict, independence, achievement orientation, and intellectual-cultural (FES, 1996). Measuring these items can determine how the family of offenders or non-offenders function and in consequence, determine how much family support they
However, Peter had left the household in 2001, but still supported the family financially. In the book Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach by Curt R. Bartol discusses the parental and family risk factors of single-parent households. In the early studies it was concluded that delinquents are more likely to come from homes where parents were separated or divorced. In recent studies researchers have looked into the correlation of single-parent households, the quality of the parent-child relationship, economic status, emotional support available, and more. In the study of “conflict-ridden vs. conflict-free” it focused on the process rather than structure of family. Children from a single-parent home that are relatively conflict-free are less likely to be a delinquent than children from conflict-ridden “intact” homes. A stable, secure, and mutually supportive family is exceedingly important
So without reliability and validity we wouldn’t be able to trust such classification systems such as the DSM-5 because we wouldn’t be able to trust any of the testes they performed throughout their trails because they may not have a standardized technique setup to administer and interpret the results without this the trails could show d...
The family I chose to interview is a blended non-traditional family. There is a mother and her 6 kids. The kids come from two different guys that the gal was married to and a boyfriend that she has lived with in the past. The boyfriend still spends some nights with her.
Copello, A., Velleman, R., & Templeton, L. (2005). Family interventions in the treatment of alcohol and drug problems. Drug & Alcohol Review, 24(4), 369-385. doi:10.1080/09595230500302356
There are two basic psychometric properties, validity and reliability that have been used to evaluate the quality of scale development. Psychometric testing used to evaluate the quality of instrument (Polit& Beck, 2010).
Family Assessment The Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) is a well-known comprehensive and multidimensional template used by nurses to assess families. CFAM begins by having the nurse visit with the family and gain insight into the family’s functioning at a particular point in time. Interviewing the family allows the nurse to assess and identify potential issues. Furthermore, the CFAM consists of three main assessment categories, known as structural, developmental, and functional. Each of these categories contains several subcategories that allow the nurse to examine all aspects of a family’s functioning.
The Values and Motives Questionnaire (VMQ) manual explained two types of reliability that they utilized to assess the consistency of the assessment: test-retest reliability and homogeneity reliability (Psytech, 2016). The test-retest reliability assesses compares the scales that occurred at two or more separate testings, whereas the homogeneity assesses if the items within the test are similar in their ability to test the target attribute. (Drummond, Sheperis, & Jones, 2016). The two types of validity the VMQ manual acknowledged wereconstruct and criterion validity (Psytech, 2016). Construct validity is an assessment that tests if the target attribute is effectively being measured. The test needs to reflect meaning and be consistent with other established tests measuring the same attribute. Criterion validity measures the tests ability to predict the target attribute successfully, this is especially important since most assessment are given in order to predict wellness or behaviors (Drummond et al., 2016). The primary reliability assessment used to portray reliability in the manual is the homogeneity. It was reported that all of the scales have a strong measurement, except for achievement and infrequency (Psychnet, 2016). This means that of all the sub-categories that are in the VMQ are asking questions that are similar in their measurement of the target category. For validity, the inter-correlations were assessed. The results indicated that the sub-scales did not directly impact each other and that they did measure the specific sub-scales they were intending to measure (Psychnet, 2016).
Likewise, in order to validate construct validity, Malhotra et al. (2012) recommends that in conducting research, researchers should use multi versus single-item scales to validate data from experiments, depending upon the complexity of the experiment. Malhotra et al. (2012) also recommends using a step-by-step approach ...
1. Caron, A., Lafontaine, M., Bureau, J., Levesque, C., & Johnson, S. M. (2012). Comparisons of close relationships: An evaluation of relationship quality and patterns of attachment to parents, friends, and romantic partners in young adults. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 44(4), 245-256. doi:10.1037/a002801
Epstein, M.H. & Sharma, J.M. (1998). Behavioral and emotional rating scale: A strength-based approach to assessment. Texas: Pro-Ed.
The construct validity of the PANAS was questioned due to the selection of items for the subscales to show that each was independent. The items, however, may not adequately represent their supposed constructs. Watson and Clark stated that fear is not related to NA but “scared” and “afraid” are both included in the negative affect scale. This argues that the construct validity of the test is low because it may not test what it is meant to test by adding unrelated items.
Validity and reliability: The assessment has an overall reliability coefficient of .93 based on test-retest reliability, making it an extremely reliable assessment (Fredricks, 2010). For it 's validity rate, the assessment has an overall validity of 93.9% (Fredricks, 2010). However, many argue that this reliability and validity be accepted with caution. The test-retest reliability is limited by the fact that it is only reported over a two-week period. In addition, the sample population with a high occurrence of substance abuse disorder, could attribute to it 's high validity rate (Fredricks, 2010).
The most important people in a child’s life are his or her parents. A person’s first bond is with the people who are raising them. Parents get to decide what their child will be doing with his or her free time, play dates, sports, pre-school and other activities. Building strong healthy bonds with children is crucial for their outcome. It is has shown that, “Families characterized by warm interpersonal relationships and effective parenting are associated with a lower likelihood of affiliation with juvenile offenders and of juvenile crime (Henry, Tolan & Gorman-Smith).” Positive family vibes are as important as the relationship between everyone in the family, including the parents because, “…children raised by married parents with low-conflict
...> Groh R.David, Jason A. Leonard, Davis I. Margret, Olson D. Bradley, Ferrari R. Joseph. 2007. Friends, Family and Alcohol Abuse: An Examination of General and Alcohol Specific Social Support. The American Journal on Addictions, 16: 49-55
Family lifestyle refers to the way that families live and their attitude, knowledge, and habits. Moreover, family lifestyle is an important determinant of family health. There are several aspects of lifestyle that affects health such as smoking, home safety and food safety. I visited Mr. Doed Mrs. Mary in order to understand the lifestyle better. They have three children, one boy and two girls. In this report, I will describe the family’s knowledge, attitude and practice in terms of smoking, home safety and food safety.