The Definitions Of Workforce Diversity In Professional Life

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Workforce diversity is defined as the variety of differences that is between the people that are in an organization (Scott and Byrd, 2012). The factors that encompass the diversity include race, gender, age, cognitive styles, organizational function and background. Diversity does not only involve how people perceive themselves, but how they are able to perceive others. On a personal level, workforce diversity is a way that can help me appreciate the differences in others and also learn from them on some basic life and work abilities that I lack. An example is the virtue of patience with others whereby diversity will make it easy for me to be patient with my work and also people who have different opinions about life. In the professional life, …show more content…

Learning refers to the relative permanent changes in an individual’s behavior that takes place due to an experience (Class Notes, Chapter 2). In my personal life, ability and learning are applicable through being able to appreciate the power that I have to perform a task and what I am able to get from the experience which will take place through learning. For instance, I could be assigned a task that will require me to apply my abilities and at the same time, it can act as a learning platform. In the work place, ability and learning can be a team’s experience where people with varying abilities will come together, teach and at the same time learn from others. It is one way that the workplace can grow, especially when people exchange ideas and learn from each …show more content…

Personally, stress management includes engaging in activities that will make me relax as well as reduce the pressure that could be caused by work or any other activities. It also includes taking some time off and going on vacation to recharge and also evaluate the issues at hand so as to find a solution that will improve my life. In the workplace, stress management remains crucial, especially when it comes to addressing pressure in the workplace. Deadlines and demanding projects are some causes of stress and these can be dealt with through measures like delegation and also allocating reasonable time. It is important that the management consults with the staff so as to reduce the levels of stress in the

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