Hoarding Essay

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A clean home is something that should come easy for anyone. Most people would consider anyone with a dirty and cluttered home to be lazy or filthy, but many are unaware of the psychological disorder Hoarding, which affects about 5% of the population, both men and women (Neziroglu, n.d.). Hoarding is the act of one having difficulties separating from their belongings. Although many confuse hoarding with collecting, there is a significant difference from the two. Those who collect, gather a specific product as a hobby or a profession, but those with a Hoarding disorder keep items without a notable worth and it accumulates in areas that were previously used for living. It is believed that hoarding is caused by a deficiency with a person’s …show more content…

Some notable symptoms of a hoarder may include excessive anxiety, inability to organize, inability to decide what to keep, accusing others of taking their belongings, health hazards, financial problems, loss of space to live in and obsession of purchasing items for the future. Severe hoarding not only affects the person hoarding, but it also affects those surrounding them. It causes strong feelings of displeasure towards loved ones with a hoarding disorder, shame, and has shown to affect social development of children that are raised in that type of environment (Neziroglu, n.d.). Hoarding does not discriminate on age or sex, but it is proven to affect women more than men. The only known treatments for hoarding is psychotherapy, or therapy talk that helps one develop better decision making and problem- solving skills. Although this may sound demeaning it is a reality that …show more content…

The total number of people who participated in this study were 443 of which, 217 of them were previously diagnosed with Hoarding Disorder (HD), 96 who were previously diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and the 130 participants that were not from a clinical setting. Although the amount was not specified, the study consisted of both male and females which of whom were of White, African American, Asian American, Native American, and Hispanic race whose ages varied from 19 years to 74 years of age. The candidates educational background was of the same level with similar years of college education. So that a large variety could be included the researchers did not require Hoarding Disorder to be a prime diagnosis, but it did have to be at least a secondary diagnosis. The candidates also had to meet the standard guidelines, according to what the DSM-IV, for either OCD or HD. They also did not allow for them to have been diagnosed with any other mental disorder except for certain phobias. The study also did not allow people who had suicidal tendencies, thoughts or people who abused drugs (Steketee, et al,

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