Homelessness and Poverty

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A house is simply a structure where one lives, sleeps and eats. A home is a structure accumulated with love, memories, and lessons learned. “Homes have stopped being homes. Now they are real estate.” (Quindlen) These structures are no longer viewed as places of experience and reminiscence, they are given a literal and unemotional purpose. Perhaps the reason as to why nearly one million people are homeless is because they are no longer provided with the pure substance of what a home represents. A home is “everything” , one cannot be a fulfilled individual without one for it offers a sense of self, demonstrates a loving relationship and provides an unfailing feeling of entitlement. The presence of a home is a direct reflection of the individuals living in that home. “You are where you live”, stated Anna Quindlen in her article Homeless. Where one lives is a representation of how they feel about themselves. It reveals their perception and value of life. Home life breeds compassion and character. “I don’t believe that one is born compassionate.” (Ascher) She also goes on to state that ...

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