The Big Match - Personal Narrative

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The Big Match - Personal Narrative The crowd erupted as the 22 players emerged from the tunnel; each one gunning for victory like the crowd and each player was greeted with an encouraging cheer. Then whilst the players shook hands with the other team, regarded as the enemy, I was left to fantasise about the course of events that might occur over the next 90 minutes of thrilling action. This was the final, placing Champions Of England, Manchester United against the Champions Of Germany, Bayern Munich. War was about to commence . . .. This was the day I had been anticipating since United had qualified for the final and my Dad immediately booked flights, tickets and hotel accommodation so we could see United. Finally it had arrived, Wednesday 26th Of May. The Nou Camp in Barcelona was the spectacular host of the final and was packed with 91,000 people, all of whom shared the belief that their team was going to win and claim the title " Champions Of Europe". Many fans were here 31 years ago in 1968, when Sir Matt Busby guided United to the title. Could it happen again? Kick Off, and every fan was full of hope and optimism. It was a warm night in Barcelona, which was no surprise and every fan was proudly dressed in their teams kit, Red for united, or Grey for Bayern, which made the stadium look like vast patches of grey and red, shimmering in the light. "Were going to win", I shouted to my dad, so he could hear me over the roar of the crowd. "I can sense it". Everyone was full of confidence, especially us United fans, since only 3 days ago we had won the F.A. Cup and the League, and every Manchester Fan was hoping that we... ... middle of paper ... of anguish from the Bayern concrete wall, which I'm glad to say, was shimmering more than ever. It was the most melodramatic victory in European football's history and to cap it all, United had won the treble on what would have been Sir Matt Busby's 90th Birthday The experience of having a sudden change from extreme depressive, to ultimate happiness has made me a generally much more optimistic person and has given me more believe into the statement "Anything is possible". It has also made me a much more determined person as I have seen the rewards that the United teams' determination brought them (and me) and also the punishment of a lack of determination to Bayern Munich. It has also made me a more faithful person and I tend to stand by things that I believe in now, when previously I probably would have given up.

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