Testing the difference between the respondents demographic groups As mentioned in chapter 4: table 4-3, there was a very different between the number of respondents within some demographic groups, e.g. the gender groups compromised 185 males and 25 females and similarly, the academic background groups compromised 3 high school, 185 graduate and 85 postgraduate holders. Therefore, generalising the results of testing the difference between the means of these groups may be invalid and meaningfulness. However, it could give general indicators about the opinion of each group regarding the performing the SECI and innovation processes within the Egyptian banks. In this term, there are two methods to test the difference means between groups based on the measurement scale of the tested variables and the normality distribution of data. The parametric test (e.g. t-test and one–way ANOVA) is suitable for the ratio or the interval scale and for the data which is normally distributed. In contract, the non-parametric tests (e.g. Mann-Whitny and Kruskal-Wallis tests) are suitable for the nominal and ordinal scales and for the data which is normally or non-normally distributed (Field, 2009; Kleinbaum, et al. 2008). As mentioned earlier, the normality distribution of the research data had been investigated by skewness and kurtosis tests (see Table 5-1) and the study used the factor scores (which are not ordinal or nominal scales) yielded by the factor analysis for the further statistical analysis. Therefore, the parametric tests could be proper techniques to test the difference between the respondents’ demographic groups regarding the SECI and innovation activities in the Egyptian banks. In this term, there are two parametric statistical techniq... ... middle of paper ... ...the males and females staff in terms of performing theses processes in the Egyptian banks. In contract, the levene’s test for the externalisation and innovation processes shows that the F ratios were significant (p < .01and p <.10, respectively). Therefore, the Equal variances not assumed row will be used for the t-test. As shown in the table, the t-test results were not significant for the both processes therefore, it could be included that although there was difference between the means agreement of males and females staff in terms of performing the externalisation and innovation processes (the males means was a bit less than the females means for the externalisation process, Mean difference =.-171 and the males means was a bit higher than the females means for performing the innovation process, Mean difference= .065), however this difference is not significant.
Collected data were subjected to analysis of variance using the SAS (9.1, SAS institute, 2004) statistical software package. Statistical assessments of differences between mean values were performed by the LSD test at P = 0.05.
In the United States, for the last four decades, from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan through the two Bush Presidencies, the Republican Party won the White House by amassing large margins among white voters (Lizza.) The state of Texas has been reliably Republican since the 1970s and there are various elements to Texas political culture that can be narrowed down to three essential ideological trends: economic liberalism, or faith in the free market economy, social conservatism, or favoring traditional values and moralism, and populism, or promoting the rights and worthiness of ordinary people (Texas Political Culture.) As a result, the dominant political mood in Texas favors low taxes, minimal government services, and policies that are pro-business. This phenomenon is not static, however, since changing demographics in the state are causing changes in the profile of Texas in reference to electoral politics, among other major issues. This paper will explore different perspectives about the changing demographics of Texas, and where they might lead the state politically, and will present a variety of viewpoints regarding this complex subject.
We live in a culturally diverse society where there are many differences among various racial and ethnic groups. When these different groups come into contact with one another they interact in many different ways. Prejudice and discrimination are key factors in understanding intergroup relationships. Competition, religious ideas, fear of strangers and nationalism are elements that contribute to prejudice. Many expressions of negative prejudicial attitudes, stereotyping and discriminatory behavior can have negative impact on the social relationships between dominant and minority groups. Many prejudices are passed along from child to parent and the influence of television and movies perpetuate demeaning portrayals about specific groups. Although prejudice continues to flourish, education plays an import role in combating prejudice and racism by providing courses and programs that help to recognize the distinction between various ethnic groups and develop an appreciation of these cultural differences.
The articles, published after 1996, contain varied methods of research attainment, but share similarities such as being a self-survey, having a small sample size, and being
After that I would say thanks to CEO Nauman Khattak for providing me comprehensive knowledge about Business Administration Courses and also for providing me the opportunity to complete my internship program in NAUSAL Technologies, Islamabad to enhance my practical knowledge about banking sector of Pakistan. I am also indebted to specially Atta Ullah Khan (HR manager of NAUSAL Technologies, Islamabad for allowing to me to do my internship and also providing me necessary assistant and guidance. I am also grateful to the entire staff of NAUSAL Technologies, because without their help, I would not be able to achieve this practical knowledge. I owe depth of gratitude to my affectionate Parents, who supported me morally. I tried my level best to prepare this report with high level of accuracy but no one claim to perfect other than ALMIGHTY ALLAH.
This paper is an illustration of quantitative data analysis using the IBM SPSS Statistics software. It does not provide the details of technical skill to operate SPSS but focuses on developing a set of decisions and actions in order to set up, describe, manipulate and analyse data in the specific context of the study of Jackson and Mullarkey (2000). In order to fulfil the task, this paper illustrates a step-by-step of actions that were made on the data. It also gives the insight into the determination of each step that helps interpret the findings from the data.
Some of the main features that distinguish voters from non-voters are level of education, social connectedness and age. The biggest difference between voters from non-voters is their level of education. Less educated Americans, (who typically identify as Democrats) are much less likely to vote. In addition, because of the significant correlation between education and income, lower socioeconomic people also tend to vote in lower proportions. Moreover, the more education that a person has the easier that it is for the person to understand the political system and find the information that they need to make political choices. More educated people are also more likely to feel that they should vote. (Hershey, 2015, p. 167)
The majority and the minority bring forth change in policy in a democratic society. Majority rule means that, if there were an over whelming amount of support on a issue their voices would be heard by the government. Our government is run on a majority rule. People in our society elect officials and put their faiths in them to make their choices.
At last, proportion examination empowers a firm to take the time measurement into record. As it were, whether the budgetary position of a firm is enhancing or weakening throughout the years. This is made conceivable by the utilization of pattern investigation. The importance of the pattern investigation of proportion lies in the way that the examiners can know the bearing of development, that is, whether the development is ideal or unfavorable. For instance, the proportion may be low when contrasted with the standard yet the pattern may be upward. Then again, however the present level may be agreeable yet the pattern may be a declining one.
The method of research for this paper is a mix of data collection and quantitative analysis. The quantitative analysis would involve collection of statistical data available from the users and demographics details over a period of time, in this case November - December, 2007. In all questionnaires will be administered to 150 respondents.
For the purpose of executing the most desirable data collection, our research setting will consist of specific homeless shelters in Northeastern Ontario. For the purpose of our timeline and funding, we will be focusing on collecting data within Sudbury and surrounding areas (Manitoulin Island, Parry Sound, and North Bay). Within these settings, we will be conducting our study in local homeless shelters, supports, and nearby streets. In Sudbury, we will be conducting our study within The Samaritan Centre and the Blue Door Soup Kitchen. On Manitoulin Island we will be conducting our study within the homeless supports provided by the Manitoulin Family Resource Centre. Finally, in Parry Sound we will be doing our research within the Esprit Place
The way I came up with the demographic description from the class, I looked over every single discussion boards, and What I came to find out is that, we have nineteen females in the class including my self , and nine males. The way I searched through the discussion board was by making an outline for my self on a piece of paper, I divided the paper by age, gender, religion, children, likes, racial, and what state people are living in.
The study is primarily designed to find out the continuous issue of the banking system in
The intention of this paper is to define the quantitative research and to explain the reasons why I choose this as a research approach. Regarding to Marczyk, DeMatteo & Festinger (2005) suggest, it is necessary to think carefully about an appropriate research design when the researcher wishes to answer specific questions, clearly define the variables and measure the hypothesis. Choosing the suitable research design is important because each type of research design has its own characteristics and methodology. Given this, is must be realized that all research designs have both strengths and weaknesses. Hence, the researcher must make an informed and personal decision about the match between the kinds of variables to be studied and the strength and weaknesses of the various methods (Herzog, 1996).
A variety of groups are concerned in bank profitability for various reasons. The bank shareholders would want to know if the value of their investments is high or low. The investors also use current and past performance to predict future price of the banks’ shares traded on the stock exchanged. The management of the bank as trustee of the shareholders is evaluated and compensated on the basis of how well their decisions and planning have contributed to growth in assets and profits of their banks. Employees of bank also are concerned with profits, since their salaries and promotions are frequently tied to the profitability performance of their banks. Depositors use bank performance and profitability as indicators of security for their deposits in the banks. Finally, business community and general public are concerned about their banks’ performance to the extent that their economic prosperity is linked to the success or failure of their banks.