Test Driving Candidates

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Test Driving Candidates
Before people buy a new house they will tour it. If they decide they want the house, they have an inspector make sure there is nothing severely wrong with the house. Instead of buying car at first glance, people will test drive it to make sure they like how it rides. Companies will bring candidates to their offices and question them about their background and skills. But can a company truly get the sense of their abilities without testing those abilities. One of the largest costs of an organization is its personnel. It is crucial to find the right employees who fits the company culture and are well qualified for the job. Interviews are a good way to decide if someone is the right fit, but people can lie. It would be better if the company could see how the person would function with on the job tasks. This is a “try it before you buy it” way of thinking. Companies should utilize job simulations, in addition to interviews, to actually test candidates on their skills and abilities.
Job Simulations …show more content…

In reality people who are only good at talking their way through interviews would be a terrible hire, but because of an excellent interview those people are able to fool the hiring manager into thinking they would be the right hire. It can be hard to distinguish who is all talk and who can talk and perform. In situations like this, it would be a good idea to see a demonstration of their abilities. Job simulations are tiny examples of circumstances someone would face on the job and the idea is to see who can handle them effectively (Adams, 2003). A successful candidate would not only have the knowledge but the ability to apply that knowledge in multiple settings (Adams, 2003). Thus testing them through simulations will allow them to demonstrate their

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