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The impact of workplace diversity in an organization
The impact of workplace diversity in an organization
The impact of workplace diversity in an organization
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Does diversity have a role to play in organizations? The world’s rising globalization requires more cooperation among individuals from assorted foundations. People no longer live and work in an isolated situation; they are presently part of an overall economy contending inside of a worldwide system. Thus, profit and non-profit associations need to be more diversified to remain competitive. According to Madigan (1997), the survival of future business relies upon how they manage their cultural settings: “Understanding and leveraging the talent of a diverse workforce to provide value-added services to a diverse marketplace is imperative for survival and growth in the next century.” Likewise Milliken and Martins (1996) demonstrate …show more content…
1995). Organisations need to grasp diversity and search for approaches to become inclusive because diversity has the potential to produce more noteworthy work efficiency and competitive advantage (SHRM, 1995). In this essay, I argue that organizational diversity is pivotal to the success in the management and development of multinational enterprises. This essay will provide a general definition of workplace diversity; discuss the benefits and challenges of managing diverse workplaces, and presents effective strategies for managing diverse workforces. It would also assay the organizational diversity in Tesco Plc.
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Today, one of the greatest worries for CEOs worldwide is not having the correct individuals to run and develop their organizations. So they're beginning to look to decent variety as an approach to address this issue. Organisational diversity doesn't simply profit the organizations themselves, yet in addition the economies they work in. This demonstrates expanding the level of female work could help bring GDP by 5% up in the US, 11% in Italy, and 27% in India (Dally, 2015). In addition, organizational diversity makes a company attractive. From the perspective of the market, an organization that promotes diversity and an inclusive work environment is more appealing. There is also a practical advantage in having a diverse workforce. As individuals have their unique time commitments, having a varied group helps ensure that work tasks can be fulfilled at all times of the year (Cheah, 2013).
The Challange of Cultural Diversity in Corporate America The expanding conflict over cultural diversity in corporate America may present as many opportunities and problems as affirmative action. Today, cultural diversity is an important fact of life and business, due to the changing face of society, and therefore, the work place. It is growing ever more essential for people to interact with others outside of their racial, ethical, religious, regional, social, etc. boundaries. To stay on top of their competitors, corporations must change their approach, and see diversity not as a necessary evil, but as a source of enrichment and opportunity that may bring a wealth of benefits to the company.
Workforce diversity refers to the existence of individuals with different cultural, economic and social backgrounds within an organization (Claretha, 2014). In the modern world, there is increased level of diversity in the workforce due to increased level of awareness and socioeconomic interactions among people. Therefore, organizations have become multicultural places which require effective communication to ensure organizational success. That is, in the modern global community, the workplaces in various organizations have become more culturally diverse (Claretha, 2014). This has had serious impact on the personal and professional relationships among employees depending on the communication model that is established in an organization. In addition, due to the increased level of competitiveness in the business environment, organizations have been forced to establish suitable framework to effectively manage human diversity. This paper will analyze the concept of workforce diversity and organizational communication and determine its benefits and possible disadvantages in relation to business success.
Tesco believes in diversity. Tesco shows this by employing people irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, colour, religion or ethnic origin and by offering flexible working condition (Everyone is Welcome, 2009).
It helps to promote the organization which leads the company in the direction of becoming an international force to be reckoned with. When diversity is embraced in an organization, it grows the global portfolio and provides employers and employees with multiple options. It helps a person learn to be flexible and to overcome obstacles that get in their way. We all know that the world is diverse with many different cultures, genders, religions, and ethnicities. However, implementation of diversity is imperative within an organization because it allows access to a larger pool of complex ideas. As demographics shift globally, diversity is a necessity that organizations need to embrace in order to show their commitment to being open to change. Diversity in the workplace is important for the organization and the employee because it allows the organization to flourish through outreach and recruiting efforts.
It improves understanding of your customer’s needs, a recent research suggests that customers differ in their value to a firm, this means customers may value a firm by its discounts, warranty and customer service and so on. The more diverse the workforce is the more understanding of customer needs, an employee with the same background as a customer may understand the customer which is employees empathizing with customers. Different ways of thinking increases productivity, employees may handle a problem or situation in different ways since every individual has their own way of thinking and handling a situation. With the different ways of thinking brings solutions that will get the company going. When an employee is good at something for example presentation skills, he or she may help someone which is not so good at it. Learning from each other and supporting each other leads to high morale and employee satisfaction. Greater Innovation and creativity, new ideas and skills are brought by different employees into the organization which increases employees to practice what they are good at such as talents; drawing for example. This will create creativity and production as well. When there is an increase in skills it enables an individual to master something in the organization. When there are challenges they can be overcome with the mastering and increase in skills. There will be a lot of opportunities due to the ever increasing growth in the market. A greater diversity within the workforce increases your company’s ability to succeed regardless of what may come
Merriam-Webster defines diversity as “the condition of having or being composed of differing elements; especially the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization” (Merriam-Webster, 2016). With diversity including many different elements, the concept of workplace diversity also covers a broad spectrum of topics, and continues to evolve as many companies look to expand globally. This subject has become increasingly important among managers over the last couple of decades, and has helped to reinforce other concepts such as affirmative action and equal opportunity employment. While most people believe that everyone should have the same opportunities available to them, and that we
Diversity training program is a distinct set of training that aimed to facilitate a positive inter-group interaction, enhance skill and knowledge base to interact with other people (Alhejji, Garavan, Carbery, O 'Brien, & McGuire, 2015). Recent trends show current work environment being diverse. Therefore, they require workers and employers to possess the relevant skill, abilities and knowledge, in order to interact with colleagues, customer and clients in more effectively (Jones et al., 2013). Jaynes & Dipboye (2004) states that if an organisation have diversity within their team, they can facilitate success by fostering creativity and enable company to connect with their stakeholders (Jones et al., 2013). In order to commit social justice, the higher managements and boards in the Not for profit sector needs to reconcile their moral and business principles through utilitarian argument. At the same, it needs to re-establish accordingly (Tomlinson & Schwabenland, 2010). A case study example shows UK voluntary organisation had equality and diversity in their work environment, which helps them to be diverse
This document will explore what a company can do to foster diversity in the workplace. The business case highlights the development and implementation of organizational initiatives that could:
For the purpose of this paper, I will define what the term Diversity means, and then I will concentrate on the diversity as a result of geographic origin or ethnic diversity. I will look at how ethnic diversity is managed generally and then how my employer, deals with the diverse ethnic groups in its organization and what it needs to improve on.
Diversity is a highly important issue in today’s business, especially in a globalized company. Workplace diversity helps to get better solutions to business problems (Schawbel, 2012). When you have a group of individ...
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n.d.) defines diversity as “the condition of having or being composed of differing elements; especially, the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization”. In general, diversity is often only related with differences in race and gender. In actuality, numerous elements can determine diversification in the workplace. Elements such as skills, abilities, experience, values, age, and education could be part of a diverse footprint in an organization. Other important attributes related to diversity include disabilities, religion, sexual orientation, and marital status (Guillame et al., 2013). The adoption of diversity in the workplace has the potential to increase organizational effectiveness in many ways. Organizations that practice diversity tend to increase their capacity to innovate and make better decisions.
The researcher believes, in this fast-changing era, any kind of company or organization should be able to improve the quality of workplace diversity by having some important main factor to boost the new paradigm of a diverse workplace, such as:
Consultants and the managers as well as business leaders believe that effectively managing and handling the diversity is the competitive advantage. This advantage stems from the process in which diversity management affects the organizational
Diversity in the workplace is very important in today’s global workforce because workers in the economy all over the world are currently made up of many different ethnicities, varied cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds. People that are involved in management such as managers, and supervisors could greatly benefit from being accustomed to diversity in the workplace because their job entails dealing with a multicultural work environment on a daily basis. Knowing how to handle diversity in the workforce and having the necessary skills for supervisors would be beneficial not only to them but also to the success of the company and economy because a strong, diversified workforce will create a more “creative, innovative, and productive workforce.” (Kerby, 2012).
Diversity is all around us and how organizations deal with the notion of diversity can be complex and quite diverse. We know that being diverse in the workplace is important to the organization's success, should be recognized, accepted, and embraced. It’s how the organizations live up to what they believe in and must go above and beyond legal compliance and requirements to promoting diversity and inclusion. Otherwise, employees may view the organization's vision and policies as lip service and only be tolerant of diversity because the organization said so.