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Theory of forgiveness
Introduction of forgiveness
Introduction of forgiveness
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Recommended: Theory of forgiveness
Asking to forgive is often considered as hard words and it rarely comes out from anybody’s mouth. However, when said, it gets harder to ignore the same. In our lifetime we have been on both the sides. We might have asked somebody to forgive or somebody could have asked us to forgive them. However, the emotional concern often results from unforgiveness. When you do not forgive a person or if somebody does not forgive you, it often leads to bitterness, resentment, hated and anger. Many families often develop depression as well as social behavioral problems due to hatred and anger. In a few cases it has led to serious issues like murder. The substance of forgiveness is known to be an important thing and concept in the teaching of Jesus. In the Bible, Jesus has made it clear that unforgiveness is known to be a serious sin nurtured in the heart. As per Jesus Christ, it is said that the person needs to be forgiven even if a serious problem is caused due to him. If not, even we would not be forgiven from God. As per Jesus, if you forgive the sin done by the people, your heavenly will also forgive you if you have committed any sin. We would always want the heavenly father to forgive us for whatever wrong things or the mistakes that we do. In fact, we always think that it is the duty of God to forgive us. However, we never consider that the degree of offence we have done. We always think that he is the God and it is his prime duty to forgive us no matter what we do. But if somebody does the same thing to us, we always feel that it is not important to forgive them we think that we should not let them go just by forgiving them. Hence, the most important thing that needs to be considered here by us is that we should learn to forgive people (... ... middle of paper ... ...which is indeed a vital aspect. Only when such things are considered, people can be transformed to be great beings. They should also spread the quality of forgiveness among others by developing it within themselves. It needs to be referred that this is an integral quality mentioned in the Bible, which needs to be followed by one and all. Works Cited Marty, Martin E. "The ethos of Christian forgiveness." Dimensions of forgiveness: Psychological research and theological perspectives (2008): 9-28. Hope, Donald. "The healing paradox of forgiveness." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 24.2 (1987): 240. Kasper, Walter. Jesus the Christ. Paulist Press, 1977. Niebuhr, Reinhold. An interpretation of Christian ethics. Westminster John Knox Press, 2013. Downs, Perry G. Teaching for spiritual growth: An introduction to Christian education. Zondervan, 1994.
The essay "Forgiveness," written by June Callwood, explores the concept of forgiving and how it influences people's lives for the better. Her work describes many components of forgiveness, such as how difficult it can be to come to terms with, why it is such a crucial part of humanity, and how it affects all people. Her essay aims to prove that forgiveness is the key to living peacefully and explains specific examples of people who have encountered extremely difficult situations in their lives- all of whom found it within themselves to forgive. To clearly portray this message in her writing, Callwood uses several strategies. She includes fear inducing statistics, makes many references to famous events and leaders, and uses a serious convincing tone, all of which are very effective.
—Forgiveness is a suite of prosocial motivational changes that happened after a person has incurred a transgression (McCullogh). McCullogh also asserts the forgiveness process includes empathy for the transgressor, generous attributions and appraisals regarding the transgression and transgressor, and rumination abalout the transgression where agreeableness takes a serious place in the person who needs to forgive someone. Andre was impressed by his father’s work, the emotion developed in Andre’s mind have given up revenge and resentment thought to his father. When Andre’s father had an accident that made his legs crushed and had to sit on a wheelchair for the rest of his life; Andre immediately felt how vulnerable people are. He cherished the relationship with his father, in fact after the accident Andre started to cherish everyone besides him. The accident was a trigger to a prosocial motivational change to Andre and his father’s relationship. “But deliver us from evil. Amen” (Dubus, 387). Andre prayed on his father’s funeral. Forgiveness needs something to trigger; Andre understand pop’s condition and forgave him. Andre knew that his father has done the best he could, and he was happy and grateful that he had a father. Moreover, Andre’s life was full of sports, the healing process was impacted by
The rattling story of Joseph told of a man who must struggle with the most horrid betrayal from his family in which he learned to forgive them and even helped them flourish in later life. Justified by a need to make them properly atone for their sins, Joseph put his brothers through hell and back. In the end, Joseph ended up feeling happier for reconnecting with his family and saving them from the ominous hands of the famine that plagued Canaan. Although it may seem that the Bible suggests exonerating those who have deeply wronged one shows weakness and too much leniency, forgiveness allows one to become a stronger person and allow for the restoration of bonds amongst once-close companions.
LeGuin, Ursula K. “Forgiveness Day.” Four Ways to Forgiveness. New York: HarperPaperbacks, 1995. Pp. 47-124.
On the contrary to orthodox consensus, Kennedy sees the doctrine of forgiveness as one silencing factor that caused further emotional trauma on abused children (131-4). However, I think the Christian concept of forgiving is indeed a double-edged sword rather than a paradox in child abuse issue. In other words, it could either offer spiritual support or it could worsen the victim’s e...
Kelley’s (1998) analysis of forgiveness explains that there are three ways that individuals forgive: directly, indirectly, and conditionally. Direct forgiveness, i.e. “I forgive you,” is most often employed within a direct discussion about the transgression at hand. Indirect forgiveness occurs when the forgiver acts in such a way that implies forgiveness without explicitly sta...
Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do concerning one another’s well-being. The step of forgiveness requires us to look past the wrongs that have been done to us, and without any sort of retribution or atonement of sorts, drop that wrong-doing out of the scope of the relationship and move on. Christianity and Psychology have differing, yet surprisingly similar ways of looking at the role of forgiving one another. The agreement is obvious, Psychologists and Christians alike recognize that forgiveness has great value in preserving relationships, not just personal but communal as well. The disagreement tends to be a difference of opinion in what context forgiveness is appropriate. The question then bears itself, who is right? Should we
Justice and forgiveness are two topics that are interpreted differently by many people. Many people forgive, but many other people only seek justice. They can’t go hand-in-hand together though. People are not capable of forgiving while they also seek justice toward a person. Forgiveness is led by sorrow to a person while justice is revenge based. Many who seek justice can not resist the temptation of revenge but those who seek to forgive show strength by doing the right thing.
I intend on informing you of the ways, manors, and actions of forgiving others and showing forgiveness. The act of forgiving is represented well multiple times throughout the Old Testament, while making its importance well known. In Isaiah 1:18 God tells us how our sins are scarlet red but through “forgiveness” they can be washed white as snow (Alburger, Shaunta). One of Gods most significant examples of forgiveness is shown through Noah and the ark in Exodus. Even though the main point of the story is not highlighted, we can clearly see the example of forgiveness, this forgiveness being the ark. The ark offered salvation for all those who would listen and get aboard the craft. We also see throughout the Old Testament the hint of a future, final sacrifice. This ultimate sacrifice would be the son of God and was the true perfect sacrifice. Forgiving others and showing acts of forgiveness truly is important in our lives, and is why it is a reoccurring theme in the Old Testament but also the new.
Most importantly, the biggest reform that emerged form Christianity was forgiveness in one. In the ancient world, the belief was to reward your friends and punish your enemies. They wanted to see their enemies crushed and hear the screams of their women, as they believed that was bliss. Ancient worlds taught their people, that forgiving was for the weak. Christianity over took this outlook and began a whole new movement in forgiveness. Jesus was teaching that the best in life is to love your enemies and see them reconciled to you. “Forgiveness in the bible is one of the greatest blessings that God has given us, and one of the greatest blessing we can give to others.” (Page 1) Christian teachings tell us that we must forgive the ones who wrong
“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”(Matthew 6:14-15, NIV) Husain Haddawy’s The Arabian Nights discusses many situations in which individuals learn to forgive others for the wrong that they have done against them. The Bible refers to the idea of forgiveness as an act not only for the person that has wronged you but for yourself; in order to grow, we have to forgive because if we do not, God will not forgive us. Haddawy’s literary work emphasizes the importance of forgiveness through the stories relating to the Demon and King Shahrayar.
I am also interested in research being done to examine the effectiveness of forgiveness therapy on any suffering population other than emotionally abused women. With this, I plan to continue to read articles related to forgiveness therapy as I find this therapy treatment as being one that has potential to be considered a universal method in the field of human service
The Gospel of Luke also speaks of judgment and forgiveness; “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37-38). Even as he dies on the cross, Jesus still sets the example of forgiveness; “Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke
Forgiveness has been defined in many ways by psychologists and researchers with no one universal definition. Hill (as cited in Maltby, Day and Mackaskill 2001) state that it is widely agreed that forgiveness involves a willingness to abandon resentment, negative judgement and indifferent behaviour towards the person who has hurt them Although research is recent, from the last 15 years, it has helped develop our understanding of forgiveness . Research has shown that forgiveness gives positive mental health and prevents the development of mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress. Two major models of forgiveness are Enright’s model and Worthington’s (2001) pyramid model to REACH forgiveness. Both these models involve steps and processes we go through in order to reach forgiveness. Individual differences are also taken into consideration such as personality traits such as the big 5 and narcissism which helps our understanding of why some individuals forgive and others do not and why as a result some individuals have poorer mental health as they are unable to forgive. This essay will therefore argue that the process and structural models have helped our understanding of forgiveness in terms of individual differences and mental health as they have shown steps we need to go through to reach forgiveness and research has additionally shown that those who do not forgive have poorer mental health. Furthermore it has shown that individual differences affect whether people can forgive or not taking into account personality traits.
A strong Christian lesson on the true nature of forgiveness can be found in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount: