Forgiveness In The Odyssey

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The rattling story of Joseph told of a man who must struggle with the most horrid betrayal from his family in which he learned to forgive them and even helped them flourish in later life. Justified by a need to make them properly atone for their sins, Joseph put his brothers through hell and back. In the end, Joseph ended up feeling happier for reconnecting with his family and saving them from the ominous hands of the famine that plagued Canaan. Although it may seem that the Bible suggests exonerating those who have deeply wronged one shows weakness and too much leniency, forgiveness allows one to become a stronger person and allow for the restoration of bonds amongst once-close companions. Joseph’s brothers constantly berated him for being …show more content…

Before his brothers sold him off, he was immature and would constantly rat his brothers out to his father instead of trying to work things out with them. Being thrown into a horrible situation, he was forced to swiftly mature and learn survival skills. For example, when he was sold to Potiphar and his wife, he quickly became the household superintendent. He realized he needed to be diligent in his duties in order to survive, and his determination eventually brought him to become the right hand man to the Pharoah of Egypt. All this time, he had slowly but surely been letting go of the previous anger he held towards his brothers; when he saw them again, the anger swelled back up in him and he put his brothers through harrowing trials in order to have them repent for their sins. Reminded of the previous struggles he had overcome, Joseph eventually showed them benevolence. Towards the end of the story, he revealed his true identity to his brothers, and they immediately apologized and begged for his forgiveness. Joseph, having moved on from his previous betrayals, says, “Besides, although you intended me harm, God intended it for good, so as to bring about the present result- the survival of many people” (Genesis 50.23). He and his family rejoiced in the rekindling of their relationships and he brought them all to live safely in Egypt; he was a happier

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