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The process of forgiving
The process of forgiving
The process of forgiving
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In her Cosmopolitan article titled “Get Him to Forgive You,” author Debra Wallace states that there are four steps that a women has to take in order to gain her male significant other’s forgiveness after she has “messed up:”
1. “Give him room.” He needs time away from her to work things out in his head and cool off, even if that means “bro-ing out playing Buck Hunter at a bar” (Wallace, 2010, para. 2).
2. “Don’t out-argue him.” She shouldn’t “logically and convincingly prove” that she deserves forgiveness, because he needs “forgive [her] on [his] own terms” (Wallace, para. 3).
3. “Stroke his ego.” A compliment will both “make him feel good” as well as remind him that it’s “way better” when he isn’t mad at her, “and it can be as easy as laughing at his jokes” (Wallace, para. 4).
4. “Be tough on yourself.” She should essentially beat herself up and explain to him how she “was tortured about how she’d acted” (Wallace, para 5).
Wallace supports these steps with anecdotal quotes from men who, besides a first name and age, are unidentified, such as “Brad, 31.” The article itself doesn’t mention any of Wallace’s credentials, but she is listed in Power Media Bluebook as a contributing freelance writer for multiple lifestyle magazines whose interests include “celebrity profiles, film, tv [sic] and theater, heath, fitness, and family trends” (Mitchell, 2005, p. 76).
Kelley’s (1998) analysis of forgiveness explains that there are three ways that individuals forgive: directly, indirectly, and conditionally. Direct forgiveness, i.e. “I forgive you,” is most often employed within a direct discussion about the transgression at hand. Indirect forgiveness occurs when the forgiver acts in such a way that implies forgiveness without explicitly sta...
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... L., Andersen, P., & Afifi, W. (2011). Close encounters: Communication in relationships. (3 ed., pp. 322-330). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Kelley, D. (1998). The communication of forgiveness. Communication Studies,49(3), 255-271.
Merolla, A. (2008). Communicating forgiveness in friendships and dating relationships. Communication Studies, 59(2), 114-131.
Mitchell, D. (2005). Power media bluebook: With talk show guest directory. (15 ed.). Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. Retrieved from books.google.com/books?id=AQqnULQq6JUC
Sidelinger, R. J., Frisby, B. N., & McMullen, A. L. (2009). The decision to forgive: Sex, gender, and the likelihood to forgive partner transgressions. Communication Studies, 60(2), 164-179.
Wallace, D. (2010, April 19). Get him to forgive you. Cosmopolitan, Retrieved from www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/relationship-advice/get-him-to-forgive-you
Forgiveness is crucial for a clear conscience and peace of mind for the both of them. However, all of this is arguable by the fact that today’s experiences are incomparable to those of Hitler’s times. One cannot begin to place one in each other’s shoes and know exactly how to respond to the events happening. One can only guess how they would respond, but until they are in that moment, all plausible reasoning can change. Nevertheless, forgiveness continues to be an aspect of everyday life in every century.
The essay "Forgiveness," written by June Callwood, explores the concept of forgiving and how it influences people's lives for the better. Her work describes many components of forgiveness, such as how difficult it can be to come to terms with, why it is such a crucial part of humanity, and how it affects all people. Her essay aims to prove that forgiveness is the key to living peacefully and explains specific examples of people who have encountered extremely difficult situations in their lives- all of whom found it within themselves to forgive. To clearly portray this message in her writing, Callwood uses several strategies. She includes fear inducing statistics, makes many references to famous events and leaders, and uses a serious convincing tone, all of which are very effective.
As humans, we are entitled to making mistakes in our lives, but by forgiving one free himself from anger. Marianne Williamson wrote this about forgiveness: “ Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.” In the book The Glass Castle undergoes many difficult circumstances in which the act of forgiveness is the only way to be at peace with her family, but more importantly herself. But the real question is does she truly forgive them. Jeanette’s ability to constantly forgive her parents enabled her to have a positive attitude because the negativity was released when
She cannot grasp the fact he needs her forgiveness before he is able to forgive himself.
Forgiveness and justice are very similar than we believe them to be. We believe that justice is
Petersen, J.C. (2007). Why don’t we listen better? Communicating & Connecting in Relationships. Tigard, OR: Petersen Publications
LeGuin, Ursula K. “Forgiveness Day.” Four Ways to Forgiveness. New York: HarperPaperbacks, 1995. Pp. 47-124.
This research examined three theories on forgiveness intervention. First, Baskin and Enright, (2004, p.82) separate the study group into three classifications rather evaluate the entire category of studies on forgiveness into one group. Second, Baskin and Enright, (2004, p.82) categorized difference and compared decision-based verses process -based amongst previous research.
It is amazing to know how much studies has been done and the good outcome of the practice on forgiveness intervention with the hope focused couple approach for 20 years (Ripley & Worthington, 2014). The FREE model is based on the forgiveness – based intervention that has been beneficial for many years to help the couple rekindle their love and forgive each other. It can be used with adults, parents, couples and adolescents.
Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do concerning one another’s well-being. The step of forgiveness requires us to look past the wrongs that have been done to us, and without any sort of retribution or atonement of sorts, drop that wrong-doing out of the scope of the relationship and move on. Christianity and Psychology have differing, yet surprisingly similar ways of looking at the role of forgiving one another. The agreement is obvious, Psychologists and Christians alike recognize that forgiveness has great value in preserving relationships, not just personal but communal as well. The disagreement tends to be a difference of opinion in what context forgiveness is appropriate. The question then bears itself, who is right? Should we
“Forgiveness or breakup: Sex differences in responses to a partner’s infidelity” is a study that was conducted by Todd K. Shackelford from Florida Atlantic University in Davie, David M. Buss from the University of Texas at Austin, and Kevin Bennett from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. The purpose of this research was to test the sex differences in response to two different types of infidelity (emotional and sexual). Forgiveness and breakup were the two separate responses to infidelity that this study
This forgiveness does not absolve anyone of blame, but creates a space for future self-realization by refocusing the attention from the past to the present and future (Mahaffey).
Forgiveness is the key to allow the emotional reunion between two people who have distanced a bit as a result of a bad event. This distance may not be physical but it can be emotional and is because you are not good with another person. By apologizing both of them reunite and realize what are the reasons of conflict to avoid in the future.
"I forgive them for the world; I forgive them because of family pressure, because of societal pressure. But in my heart, they will always be unforgiven" (NPR Staff).
Forgiveness is the act of releasing an offender of any wrong or hurt they may have caused you whether they deserve it or not. It is a decision to let go of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group of people. When we choose to forgive, we’re wiping the slate clean, cancelling a debt, or as I love to say, “Letting it go.” In the Bible, the Greek word for forgiveness literally means to “let it go.” This concept, “forgiveness,” is easier said than done. Majority of people find it very difficult to let go of offenses and hurts caused by others. I really do believe that most people desire to let it go, but we lack the knowledge of how to do it. As believers, we are instructed by God maintain an attitude of forgiveness.