Teaching Styles and Learning Styles

903 Words2 Pages

Generally speaking, Mullock’s research paper is easy to follow and understand. At the very first stage of reading the article, I found quite confused with the way which the writer presented her points. Yet, the more I read the article, the clearer and more logical her points became. She studied an issue that has been perennial topic of discussion in any educational context, so the title drew attention at the first time of reading. The interest was heightened as reading through the article. As obviously showed on the paper, there was a change in today students’ perceptions of what constitutes a good language teacher compared to those of students in the past. The author has a firm background of TESOL teaching and teacher training. Plus, she utilized a lot of appropriate sources to back her points of view up. For instance, Mullock’s respondents were experienced and intending teachers, so she compared her respondents’ answers to findings of other studies on teacher’s thought. As a result, the credibility of this study is not a controversial matter. Another good point of this study is the appropriateness of the language use because Mullock used familiar terminology in education field when the targeted audiences are TESOL students, teachers, educational researchers and educators.
Moreover, when comparing her own study in TESOL area to the knowledge base conceptualization of Shulman (1987) in general education area, Mullock deeply analyzed and provided interesting information. She also considered cross-cultural matters arisen in each knowledge category to help the readers have a thorough insight into the issue. Additionally, her reasoning on the differences between her article and Shulman’s concept (mentioned in Summary part) is satisfa...

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