Compare And Contrast Visual And Tactile Learner

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v=I will be talking about what type of learner I obtain. I learn as a Visual, Kinesthetic and Tactile learner. I will talk about what each of these means that I need to do to learn and achieve goals. Visual means I need to examine it to learn. Kinesthetic means I need to move to learn more about. Last Tactile means I need to touch it to be more interested in learning about it. All of the learning styles are different and each person has a different type of learning style.These are my types of learning styles.

Visual learning means that you need to observe it to be able to learn in a way that features an object about the assignment. I have always loved reading and learning about something in school. Of course, there are days where you wish to not learn anything that day, but reading has always been fun and that is one of the main learning styles I use. In school a …show more content…

Learning is an amazing aspect that numerous people are interested in and some people aren’t interested at all. Tactile learning is a way people learn and some people judge the people that learn that way. These days people ¨ Oh she is just like me.¨ but some people need to learn to stop corrupting people around them when those people have a perfectly equal personality inside them already. If people dislike others for who they are, then they should find someone that has something in common with them and learn to accept the entire person inside and out of them. Tactile learning is hands-on and that is a great way to study something. Studying hands-on with something is a way that you should learn to study something. For example rocks to learn why they are rough, smooth, hard, etc. Learning is something that people aim for in life and if someone doesn’t crave to learn I feel horrible for them since they might not succeed in

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