Summary Of Personalizing Recognition

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To successfully lead requires an awareness of one's self and an open and honest approach to leadership. Leaders must gain the trust of those they lead and set the example. Being a successful leader is much more than just giving direction and making decisions. A leader needs to be a champion for the business and have a clear, focused path for the future. Leaders have an immense responsibility to take care of those around them and see that the business is an environment of collaboration and trust. “Leaders get people moving. They energize and mobilize. They take people and organizations to places they have never been before. Leadership is not a fad, and the leadership challenge never goes away” (Kouzes, Posner, 2012, p. 1). It may …show more content…

When those expectations have been met or have been succeeded it is important that those efforts are recognized. Unfortunately, it is not enough to implement predictable recognition that appears to have little or no thought put into it. "A one-size-fits-all approach to recognition feels insincere, forced, and thoughtless" (Kouzes, Posner, 2012, p. 285). It is important for management to pay attention to what their employees like and don't like. An employee who finds value in one form of recognition might not find value in others. Personalizing recognition is important because it shows thoughtfulness and sincerity. Even just a sincere thank you at the right time can mean more to an employee than a formal award.
According to a survey recently commissioned by OGO (O Great One!), 82% of employed Americans don’t feel that their supervisors recognize them enough for their contributions (Novak, 2016). Strengthening others and recognizing their successes is an important part of leadership. Whether it is coming from the CEO, a manager of a department, or just from a fellow employee, recognition makes people feel appreciated and valued.

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