Student Observation Paper

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As a group, The Mix sat down in the Commons Area at the University of West Florida to observe the atmosphere and to observe if the atmosphere matched the values stated on the Commons’ website. The values stated on the website is as followed : “Our role at the University Commons & Student Involvement is to promote student involvement, create a vibrant campus life, and support our student leaders in achieving organizational and personal goals” (Students Organizations). As a group, when we sat down to observe, we had not researched the core values, so what we observed was a purely observational view at first.
Commons serves as a small center of different social activities where students can run many of their errands. Service desks seems to be busy all the time. A lot of people approach the service desk to ask directions, send fax, or ask questions about any upcoming events. Students print their homework at the printer kiosk, visit the bookstore or enter and exit the fraternity/ sorority offices. A lot of students look busy and preoccupied with important tasks. Some students come out the post office with packages in their hands. Commons is a place that represents a dynamic student life and meaningful learning experience. All the services, facilities, and programs that take part in …show more content…

It is essential to have an area, on campus, where students, as well as professors, are able to kick back and relax the stresses of the day away. The University of West Florida is one of those sanctuaries. One reliable way to relax in the commons area on campus is through playing a variety of games, which can be observed throughout the day, on a daily basis. The games I have seen being played in the commons include dice, cards, video games, as well as board games. The overall mood of the gamers is usually very lighthearted and stress free, proving how effective the commons area can be at relieving day to day

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