Classroom Observation Paper

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Background Information:
Ben is a seventh-grade student in a language arts co-taught classroom with a general education teacher and an intervention specialist 4th/6th period of the school day. He participates in class 5/5 days, gets along well with his peers in the classroom, and is organized with his materials. Ben is seated toward the front of the classroom. He is personable in class and participates in group discussions and answers questions in class. Ben will occasionally ask for clarification on directions and assignments in class. He is an outgoing boy with a positive attitude and a joy to have in class.

Assistive Technology in the classroom: (See attachment)
Ben is directed every day one to two times in class either by the general education …show more content…

While reading narratives, Ben attends closely to the setting and characters of the passages. He is able to have great discussions in class and continually making decisions about the readings and what is to come. Ben uses strategies while taking his comprehension tests. When asked, he will tell the teacher the strategies he should be using for this particular test. i.e. going back in the text before answering, finding key words in the questions, and using the process of elimination. Below are his current reading comprehension scores:
The Stolen Jewel Quiz: …show more content…

Using graphic organizers are beneficial for Ben in the writing process. At times, he chooses not to use them even when prompted to do so, but he will discuss the assignment either with the general education teacher or the intervention specialist more in depth. Ben's written compositions have good word choices and is a memorable piece of writing. His sentence fluency is smooth and expressive and easy understand. His sentence structure has a combination of simple and complex phrase. i.e. Although I am tired (subordinate clause), I want to go to the midnight movie ( main clause). Ben's wriitng conventions on his assignments for punctuation, spelling, and grammar have been on track at his grade level.

Documentation of Intervention & progress monitoring data:
MAZE Assessment:
Score= +15 w/ 1 error Fall: ( Target:+24 ), Winter: (Target:+27 ), Spring: (Target:+31 ) = 7th grade target at 50%ile. It is a three-minute test. Ben needs to choose the best answer to fit in the sentences. i.e. By the time they arrived at ( special, grilled, Windy) Lake, set up their tent, docked (his, their, they) boat, and feed their three cranky( after, children, sunfish), the Jones family was ready to ( had, made, turn) in for the night.
Test Scores:
10/2015: +25 w/ 1 error 55 %ile
12/2015: +25 w/ 3 errors 45 %ile
01/2016: +24 w/ 5 errors

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