Analyzing Space in Communication

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Dynamic of Communication

Analyzing Space Paper

Space is crucial when it comes to communicating, the space that you are surrounded by will shape all aspects of the communicating you do. Space is always communicating meaning and from the spaces I observed on campus and in the Student Center I drew meaning from them which allowed me to understand what each space is communicating and what see how each space encouraged or hindered communication. In this paper I will explain my critiques as well as my approval of the quad on campus and the Student Center, I also will give students opinions how the Student Center succeeds or fails in encouraging communication and lastly give my ideas of how space in the quad as well as the Student Center can be improved to encourage a greater level of communication.

The space on campus that I chose to analyze is the quad. After spending a substantial amount of time observing the quad I listed the negatives and positives that it had in terms of the quad encouraging communication and realized that there were many more negatives than positives. One of the reasons I decided to write about the quad is because after watching the video "The Social Life of Urban Spaces" I found it interesting that people will utilize and congregate only in certain spaces, only if certain criteria are met to suit their desires as far as the layout of the space and how inviting it is will people use the space. In my opinion every school or area where a large amount of people work should have an inviting area which encourages communication and comfort, a place where you can eat your lunch or take a break at and be able to do it in a social atmosphere which in my opinion the quad does not do. One of the things I learned from the video is places where people can sit draws more people, this may be one of the reasons that you rarely see a substantial amount of people at the quad at one time because there are very little places to sit there which would discourage anyone from being in the quad for any extended amount of time. Another reason I feel the quad does not have an inviting atmosphere which would encourage more people to go there more often is because the grass areas that they have are very small and not ideal for sitting on or doing anything on for that matter, better grass areas would allow people to sit and eat at to lay on, or do various social things like throwing a football around or something of that nature.

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