Stephen Crane Literary Analysis

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Stephen Crane is a master of creating well-known realistic scenes of combat and death. Crane was a poor writer, that created some of the greatest novels of all times. Although he lived a short life, he made sure he made something of it. Stephen was a courageous, anti war writer. He used a lot of irony and descriptive pieces in his stories which were influenced by poverty.
Stephen Crane was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1891. Crane was the youngest in a family of fourteen. He was among the first writers to rebel against the genteel tradition, with his false romanticism and repression. Crane and some of his contemporaries were learning to mistrust what society had taught and accepted. “Let a thing become a tradition and it becomes half a lie”(Sufrin 5). His desire to write was inspired by his family. In almost three years of poverty, Crane had written four impressive, highly original books: “Maggie,” “The Black Riders,” “The Red Badge of Courage,” and “George’s Mother.” Stephen Crane started out as a comic writer. One of his techniques, which informs all about his best stories and novels, was parody. Crane’s poetry, for the most part, was dedicated to the metaphysical problems raised by man’s relation to his god. His fiction on the other hand, portrayed man struggling to survive in the society. The controlling tone in Crane’s fiction was humorous, ironic,serious, and self conscious. Crane began his higher education in 1888 at Hudson River Institute and Claverack College, a military school which nurtured his interest in “The Red Badge of Courage.” At the end of the first semester Cranes had only received four out of his seven classes, and two of them were failing grades. The other three were not graded because he never attended the...

... middle of paper ... I seem to feel, underneath the mirth and nonsense, a terrible hatred of mass opinion, a fervent faith in the individual's right to live”(Garland 56). “One of America’s most influential writers, Stephen Crane, produced works that have been credited with establishing the foundations of modern American naturalism. His civil war novel, “The Red Badge of Courage,” realistically depicts the psychological complexities of battlefield emotion and has become a classic of American Literature”(“Stephen Crane”

“At the end of Stephen Crane’s life, literally on his deathbed, he returned to straight parody”(Soloman 12). Crane lived his life in poverty but that didn't stop him from writing. He was a courageous man and his life was strictly about writing. Such an approach to Stephen Crane’s fiction may make him appear to be a negative artist, a critic rather that a creator.

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