Starting School Should Start Later

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Adolescents today face a widespread chronic health problem called sleep deprivation. (“Backgrounder: Later School Start Times.”). First off, there are some benefits of starting school later. When starting school later in the day, it reduces the risks of stimulant and other substance abuse, and high-risk health behaviors especially during early unsupervised hours in the afternoon. (“What’s the Big Deal?”). Returning to later, healthier, safer, evidence-based school hours is a reform with the potential to improve the health, safety, and academic achievement of all students, immediately and often at low or even no cost. (“What’s the Big Deal?”). Schools in America should start later in the day to end sleep deprivation. For starters, some of the …show more content…

Starting school later helps the student’s brain think, which nowadays, teachers grade upon how children think and the ways they think. When the student wakes up later in the day rather than earlier, their bodies are way more refreshed. Young people who do not get enough sleep night after night carry a significant risk for drowsy driving; emotional and behavioral problems such as irritability, depression, poor impulse, control and violence; health complains; tobacco and alcohol use; impaired cognitive function and decision-making; and lower overall performance in everything from academics to athletics. (“Backgrounder: Later School Start Times.”). With having these things, the probability of dropping out is at its highest. Teens are among those least likely to get enough sleep; while they need an average of 9.25 hours of sleep per night for optimal performance, health and brain development, teens average fewer than 7 hours per school night by the end of high school and most report feeling tired during the day. (“Backgrounder: Later School Start Times.”). This is due to waking up at unreasonable hours in the morning. The body refreshes by getting more rest. Getting a good amount of sleep reduces depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. (“What’s the Big Deal?”). Bottom line, getting a good night rest improves mood and impulse control, which is beneficial. (“What’s the Big

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