Stargirl Karen Blumenthal Analysis

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Giovanni Franco
Language and Literature
Summer reading essay “Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine” Jack Ma. In the story of “Steve Jobs the man who thought different” Karen Blumenthal gives a third person account of Steve jobs with his remarkable experience in his life. In the fictional tale “Stargirl” it about a girl going to high school living her life how she wants. In both Stargirl and Steve Jobs show that they won't give up on what they believe in.

In Stargirl the theme is never give up. In Stargirl she said “In bed that night, I became more and more uncomfortable as the moonlight crept up my sheet I did something I never did before I pulled the shades down.” In this quote she did something she didn't like to do. Her nickname is Stargirl because she shines like a star and when she closes her blind she doesn't get to see the moon or the other stars glimmering night sky. In Stargirl the narrator said “She laughed when there is no joke. She danced when there was no music. She had no friends yet she was she was the most friendly person at school. In this quote it shows that Stargirl has her own sense of humor and can hear music. It shows that she can make everyone happy …show more content…

For example in the narrator said ” ‘The Apple software was a good business for Microsoft but not crucial for it. Without Microsoft products Apple would quite literally rot.’ One of Jobs’ first moves after Amelio left was to call Gates. Steve said ‘I am going to turn this thing around’ he said frankly ‘I am going to need your help’”. This shows that Steve will work with his rival to save his dream. The narrator said “She did bribe him, from her own money. He quickly got hooked, so much that he skipped the fifth grade and went straight to middle school, namely Crit Middle School”. This shows that a little push can help him succeed in

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