
522 Words2 Pages

Chapter 1
Communication- the process of understanding and sharing meaning.
Process- an activity, exchange, or set of behaviors that occur over time.
Understanding- perceiving, interpreting, and comprehending the meaning of the verbal and nonverbal behavior of others.
Sharing- an interaction between people in order to exchange meaning.
Meaning- the shared understanding of the message constructed in the minds of the communicators.
Source- a message initiator
Receiver- a message target
Message- The verbal or nonverbal form of the idea, thought, or feeling that one person (the source) wishes to communicate to another person or group of people(the receivers)
Channel- the means by which a message moves from the source to the receiver of the message.
Feedback- the receivers verbal and nonverbal response to the source’s message.
Code- a systematic arrangement of symbols used to create meanings in the mind of another person or persons.
Syntax- the rules of the arrangement in language.
Grammar- the rules of function in language.
Verbal codes- symbols and their grammatical arrangement, such as languages.
Nonverbal codes- All symbols that are not words, including bodily movements use of space and time, clothing and adornaments, and sounds other than words.
Encoding- converting an idea or thought into a code.
Decoding- assigning meaning to the idea or thought in a code.
Noise- any interference in the encoding and decoding processes that reduces message clarity.
Action Model- a depiction of communication as one person sending a message and another person or group of persons receiving it.
Interaction Model- A depiction of communication as one person sending a message and a second person receiving the message and then responding with a return message.
Transaction Model- a depiction of communication as communicators simultaneously sending and receiving messages.
Constructivist Model- a theory of communication which posits that receivers create their own reality in their minds.
Context- a set of circumstances or a situation.
Intrapersonal Communication- the process of understanding and sharing meaning within itself.
Dyadic Communication- two person communication.
Small-group Communication- the interaction of a small group of people to achieve an interdependent goal.
Public Communication- the process of generating meanings in a situation where a single source transmits a message to a number of receivers who give nonverbal and, sometimes, question-and-answer feedback.
Mass Communication- communication mediated, via a transmission system, between a source and a large number of unseen receivers.
Chapter 2
Figure- the focal point of a persons attention.
Ground- the background against which a person’s focused attention occurs.
Closure- the tendency to fill in missing information in order to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement.

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