Effectiveness of Solution Focused Family Therapy on Aggressive Children

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In the article “Solution-focused family therapy with three aggressive and oppositional-acting children: an N=1 empirical study” researchers examined the efficiency of Solution Focused Family Therapy (SFFT) among families with children dealing with aggressive and oppositional behaviors. Four to Five intervention sessions took place using a multiple baseline line design, which included a treatment manual, validated and integrity measure. All three cases benefited from the SFFT, only one family requested additional therapy due to a new occurring problem. Overall results showed that this specific therapy was effective with the families at the end of their treatment and follow up. SFFT sessions are used the view problem being developed and focus on the interaction when the problem behavior isn’t occurring. The purpose of the therapy is to help families focus on what they already do well as a family or change their interpretations of behaviors. People have all they need to solve their problems. After reading this article and gaining more knowledge about SFFT, I would definitely use this approach when working with clients especially children and their families. I like the philosophy behind this approach and how is capitalizes on clients own …show more content…

Most of the children have been diagnosed with ADHD, Bipolar and ODD. The families deal with a lot of issues at home and school in regards to aggressive behaviors. I am glad the I choose this article to read because it gave me a better insight on these presenting behaviors how to approach it. Engaging families in working towards solutions that will work for them can come with many challenges but overall it is beneficial. Although every family I work with will come with various issues I truly believe that SFFT is one approach that can provide useful tools to engage and work

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